Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Trinity Tidings- Aug 12

Posted on: August 15th, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Lunch & Pie Social Sunday, August 20th, from 10 am till 4pm! Sponsored by the Women of Trinity.  Come for great food, homemade pie, and a chance to join together in fellowship with this Trinity tradition!

WORKERS NEEDED FOR THE LUNCH & PIE SOCIAL  We need helpers of all genders and ages to serve this Trinity Tradition.  9 am till 11 on Saturday, August 19th.  Then on Sunday with shifts at 9 am, 10 am till Noon, Noon till 2pm, 2 pm till 4pm, and clean-up after 4 pm.  Can you give even an hour?  Every moment counts!  See the sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office to sign-up!

Worship at Pafko Park on Sunday, August 13th, at 9 am.  Bring a chair to sit in.  Hot Dog lunch to follow worship. 

Float riders needed for the Pickle Fest float!  Each rider gets their own bag of candy.  Let PB know if you can help!  All ages welcome!

Monday Bible Study each Monday at 10 am.

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, August 14th, 6 pm at Buckshots.  All are welcome!

School Bags:  We are collecting items for school bags and kits.  Pick up a bag in the church or grab school supplies and bring them to the church. 

Confirmation Parent Meeting, Wednesday, August 30th, 7 pm.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

   It was July 18th at 7:21 am when I realized I had made a huge mistake.  In the annals of the mistakes, I have made in my now 21 years of being a pastor, this mistake might easily be in the top 5 of all of my mistakes.  I literally started sweating and thought I was going to throw up, the pit in my stomach was so bad.  I immediately was in panic mode and started to frantically search and even called Amy to help me.  What was my mistake?  I hadn’t reserved transportation for our 33 people going to Denver on our Mission Trip that upcoming Saturday.  Our largest trip ever and we had no way to get there.  No vans.  No nothing.  What I thought was a reservation was last year’s reservation, which were for the same dates, but I didn’t double check the year. 

  I felt devasted.  I felt awful.  I knew, even before I tried, that there would be no 15 passenger vans available for rent.  Maybe in the winter.  But the summer?  No way.  I started to make reservations for minivans and other vehicles.  I called all the chaperones to tell them what was going on and to see if they could all drive a vehicle if needed.  In the midst of all this, I still had to do my job, leading worship at Glenhaven and even had to get my oil changed.  I finally got our transportation fully figured out and set on Friday morning and even then, I wasn’t sure we would have enough room for our bags and had a back-up just in case.  It was a frantic lead0up to our trip, even more so than usual.  I was spent and we hadn’t even left yet.  But what made it worse was this: I couldn’t let my mistake go.

  Even now, as I write this, I’m not sure I have let it fully go.  I’m a person who holds myself to a high standard and often that standards and expectation of myself can be a negative.  I get upset when I hit bad golf shots or feel I gave a bad sermon.  I beat myself up if I haven’t been a good friend or husband.  I think way more about the things that I do wrong than anything I do right.  This is incredibly unhealthy.  I know it too and yet I can’t stop it.

  And in this situation, it consumed me.  I had a hard time sleeping those days before the trip.  Even when we got there, I would find myself awake, brooding over my stupidity and idiocy.  I couldn’t even pass it off on Katie not being there for the first time in awhile as I always took care of the vans.  Always.  My job.  My responsibility.  And I fumbled it.  I dropped it.  I put all the work of the kids, all the work of the parents, all the support from the congregation to send us to Denver in jeopardy.  My awesome chaperones told me it was ok, that we got it all worked out, that they would step up and do whatever needed to be done.  Amy told me it was ok, we all make mistakes, and I got it all figured out it in the end.

  But I wouldn’t listen to their comfort and reassurances.  And so, my guilt almost consumed me.  I know it made me unhealthy and made this trip the hardest one I had ever been on.  All because I couldn’t forgive myself.  All because of my own pride, ego, and perfectionist standards.  All because of my sin.

   Forgiveness is a gift we receive in Jesus Christ, and it is an incredible gift we give each other.  I like to think I’m a pretty forgiving person for the most part.  But not to myself.  And that needs to change.  So often I sit with people who can’t forgive themselves the mistakes they make.  It isolates them, keeps them away from the Lord, from their relationships, from engaging in the wider world.  They know their sin and they worry that is all that people will see of them. And when I sit them, I remind them of the grace of God in Jesus Christ.  I remind them that they are loved, not only by Jesus, but by others, no matter the mistake.  That in the church they always have a place and that true healing comes first and foremost from accepting the grace and forgiveness that comes in Jesus Christ.  After all, we pray in the Lord’s Prayer for God to forgive us our trespasses.  We need to have faith in that promise and prayer.

  I need to have faith in that promise and prayer.  And I’m so thankful for people like Amy and others who reminded me that we all make mistakes and there is forgiveness for all of us.  I need to be reminded that it is ok to not be perfect.  To screw up from time to time.  That when I screw up and I work to fix it, that is enough and that the same forgiveness I preach about is also for me.  I’m reminded about something that Yoda says to Luke Skywalker in “The Last Jedi” when he says, “The greatest teacher, failure is.” 

  You can bet I will never make that mistake again (and I put in my calendar 20 times to be sure).  But the biggest lesson that I have learned from this is that I need to forgive myself.  It does me and no one else good to wallow in despair and guilt.  To trust in the forgiveness offered to me in Jesus Christ.  Because, after all, it all worked out.  We had a great trip and we served the Lord.  My prayer for you today is that if you are carrying around guilt that weighs on your soul, give it to the Lord.  Forgive yourself for your Savior Jesus Christ died and rose for your sins and to set you free from all bondage.  May God bless you today and always!




Trinity Tidings- Aug 4

Posted on: August 7th, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Lunch & Pie Social Sunday, August 20th, from 10 am till 4pm! Sponsored by the Women of Trinity.  Come for great food, homemade pie, and a chance to join together in fellowship with this Trinity tradition!

WORKERS NEEDED FOR THE LUNCH & PIE SOCIAL  We need helpers of all genders and ages to serve this Trinity Tradition.  9 am till 11 on Saturday, August 19th.  Then on Sunday with shifts at 9 am, 10 am till Noon, Noon till 2pm, 2 pm till 4pm, and clean-up after 4 pm.  Can you give even an hour?  Every moment counts!  See the sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office at 715-643-3821 to sign-up!

Worship at Pafko Park on Sunday, August 13th, at 9 am.  Bring a chair to sit in.  Hot Dog lunch to follow worship. 

Monday Bible Study each Monday at 10 am.

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, August 14th, 6 pm at Buckshots.  All are welcome!

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  Whenever we come back from a Mission Trip, people ask us what we did during our time in Denver.  And we did all sorts of things.  We cleaned out yards and filled dumpsters for homeowners.  We painted houses and organized in a thrift store.  We put together food boxes at the Salvation Army and cut up handouts and shredded paper.  We even counted towels and washcloths!  In other words, we did a huge range of stuff.  We did what was asked and what was needed by the organizations we were working for, for service isn’t what we want to do, service is about filling a need that others want us to do.  Our kids were awesome no matter what they were asked to do and you should be incredibly proud of them. 

   I have no doubt I’ll write more about the trip in later weeks, but as I sit here on a Friday morning, I was reminded again about some of the small stuff that we did.  That shredding of paper, or helping our Youthworks staff get stuff packed up as this was their last week in Denver.  It might not have been what many of our kids thought about when they signed up for the Mission Trip, but it was the mission that needed to be done.  And I’m also sitting here thinking about how the Mission Trip is not a summer trip we take with our youth, our Mission Trip is every single day, right here in our own community and area and right here in our own church.  For we are disciples of Jesus Christ, called to be servants. Yet we often don’t think of our own place as a mission site.

  But it is.  Our community, our church, is its own mission field.  We are called to serve in whatever way we can in the needs that arise.  It can be volunteering at many of our own organizations, like WestCAP or Stepping Stones or United Way.  It can helping out at the schools or coaching youth sports or supporting the efforts of our area through donations.  This is all mission work and it is needed and important. 

  It can also be with sign-up for something that church.  To give that hour or two to make sure the people of our community enjoy a great piece of pie and a good meal during our Lunch & Pie Social.  To help out a few Sundays with Sunday school or sign-up to provide snacks for Crew or even come to lend a helping hand.  It can be to make communion bread or donate flowers or coming over to pull some weeds from around the church.  Our mission field is right here in front of us.  You don’t have to drive 2,000 miles to get there.  It is right here. 

  My prayer is that you might take a page from our youth and be willing to give a bit of yourself for the mission that lies before you.  To call the church office or right your name down to help at the Lunch & Pie Social.  To donate funds to help a cause or support an organization.  To not look at the busyness of your schedule and how you couldn’t possibly do something but rather see it as an opportunity to experience something new, to give something back, to connect with others in a different way.  To serve your Lord and Savior, a Lord and Savior who loves you and has saved you and to connect with your faith in a new way.

  For that is the secret sauce of a Mission Trip, my friends.  It isn’t in the doing.  It is in the CONNECTING.  That is why our youth go and come back.  It isn’t what they did, it is who they meet.  It is the deeper relationships they form with each other and the deeper connection they make with the God who loves and has saved them.  It is about realizing that even the smallest thing makes the biggest difference to someone else and to the world at large. 

   Thank you for supporting our youth.  And I thank you in advance for the way you will answer God’s call to serve, to connect, to being the hands and feet of God in the world.  May the Lord bless you today and always!




Trinity Tidings- July 9

Posted on: July 10th, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Monday Bible Study returns July 17th at 10 am.

Worship at Pafko Park on Sunday, August 13th, at 9 am.  Bring a chair to sit in.  Hot Dog lunch to follow worship. 

Fellowship servers needed!  Call the church office at 715-643-3821 or see the sign-up on the kitchen counter.

Cake Walk providers needed!  Call the church office at 715-643-3821 or see the sign-up on the Cake Table.

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, July 17th, 6 pm at Buckshots.  All are welcome!

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  I want to take a moment to thank everyone who helped out when Amy and I were on vacation in France, to Craig Formoe for leading worship (twice!) to Ron & Lee Peshaw for taking care of our house and yard to all of you who sent well wishes to Amy and I for our birthdays and anniversary.  We had an amazing time in France and one of the things we did a lot of was go into churches. 

  I know, I know, big surprise.  Some of the churches are famous, like Sacre Coeur or Saint Chappelle or the Bayeux Cathedral, while others are not.  Some we just walked into as we saw them walking around Paris.  Others were in small towns in places we visited.  Being a church nerd, I loved being in the churches, seeing their beauty and reading about their history.  We even passed by a Lutheran church (but couldn’t go inside!).

  Yet, there was one we saw a whole bunch but often passed by.  It was just a few seconds from the apartment we were staying when we were in Paris.  It looked pretty old and had scaffolding around the entrance and even though Amy would ask if I wanted to go in, I would say no as we were often on the way to someplace else.  We just kept overlooking it.  Ignoring it.  Walking by it.

  And then, on our last full day in Paris, we went in.  And it was a revelation.  We found out that the church, called Saint-Germain-des-Pres, was one of the oldest in Paris, founded first an abbey in the 6th century and has one of the oldest bell towers that is still standing from 990.  It was an incredible church and might have been our favorite of all the churches we visited, with incredible frescos and an amazing history.  And we had almost missed it. 

  We take things for granted and we can often dismiss things.  Even worse, we take people for granted and we often dismiss people.  Maybe because of the way they look or how we perceive their actions or a hundred other reasons.  But if we take a chance, we might find something extraordinary.  We might surprise ourselves, not only in opening up to others but also opening ourselves up to new experiences.  To try something new.  Maybe it is a menu item at a restaurant.  Maybe it is taking a trip.  Maybe it is volunteering in the community or even using your gifts and talents in the church. 

 Even more importantly, take a moment to give thanks for the people and things in life that you take for granted.  Remember all the blessings you have been given by your Savior Jesus Christ, most especially the forgiveness, life, and salvation offered to you by Christ’s death and resurrection.  For we are truly blessed and because of the love of God in Jesus Christ, we take a risk, try something new, and maybe walk into that church that is right by you.  You never know what you might find! 

  May God bless you today and always!


A few pictures of the church of Saint-Germain-des-Pres

Trinity Tidings- Jun 18

Posted on: June 19th, 2023 by Brad Peterson

June 18, 2023


No Wednesday worship June 21 or 28th

No Monday morning Bible Study in June

Fellowship servers needed!  Call the church office at 715-643-3821 or see the sign-up on the kitchen counter.

Cake Walk providers needed!  Call the church office at 715-643-3821 or see the sign-up on the Cake Table.

Pastor Brad will be on vacation from June 19th till July 1st.

WOT  will be highlighting baby care kits for the months of May and June.

If you are going to garage sales this summer these are some of the items we need: size 6-24 months – sleepers or gowns, cotton t-shirts, light jackets, sweaters or hooded sweatshirts, receiving blankets, dark colored hand towels and baby socks. We can also use Onesies, we cut them off to make t-shirts.

Thank you for helping us help others!

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, July 17th, 6 pm at Buckshots.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  On Wednesday, at 4:30 pm, I will turn 47 years old.  No, this is not a ploy for birthday gifts (though gifts are always appreciated!).  But this is an extremely significant birthday in my life.  Seems weird, doesn’t it?  When most people turn 47 years old, is just another birthday, nothing special about it at all.  Not like turning 21, or 40, or 50, or 75, etc.  A normal number.  A normal birthday.  But not to me.

  For when it hits 4:31 pm on the clock on June 21st, I will have lived longer than my Dad.  I will have lived longer than my Dad’s Dad (slightly worried as I write this that I’m jinxing myself here).  And to me, that is significant.  Knowing the history of my family, as a younger person I figured it was a long shot to make it to 47 years old.  I figured 46 years was all I was going to get.  It feels like everything else, starting at 47 years, is a bonus.  An extra.  And it feels weird and strange that I will have lived longer than my Dad, especially in this year in we hit 30 years since he had died.  But in the midst of this strangeness, there is something else in my head and my heart.  It is a sense of gratitude.

   My Dad’s death when I was a mere 16 years old taught me two very important things.  The first was the need for God, for God is the only thing that can never be taken away from you.  It was the spark that started my journey towards becoming a pastor, though that spark was there previously, I was just unaware of it.  The second was this: that life was a gift and this gift was short.  What would I do with that life and the short amount of days I had with it?  I’m not sure I have made the kind of impact my Dad made on so many people, but legacy or that kind of stuff was never really the goal.  The goal was to appreciate life and all that comes with it.  I know there have been times when I have not done that.  To appreciate the gift I have been given.

  But lately, I have been thinking about this gift.  Life is a gift.  We can fill that gift up with anything we want.  So why do we fill it up with hate?  Why do we fill it up by denigrating and attacking people different than us?  Why do we, and I, let the frustrations and annoyances of the world become our focus?  It is squandering the gift we have been given, this gift of life given to us by a loving and merciful God. 

  Recently when I did a Q&A at Luther Park Bible Camp Staff Training, a counselor asked me the question, “What is truth?” which is a question that comes straight out of the Bible.  This is how I answered: the truth is that life is a gift.  And what we do with that gift, every single day, is extremely important.  Will we use that gift with a sense of love, faith, hope, and compassion?  Or will we use it in the opposite ways? 

  My hope and prayer as I now live longer on this earth than my Dad did, that I might live life as a gift.  To always appreciate it.  To use it for good and not evil.  To remember to appreciate and hold on tightly to the joys of life and the chance to use this gift for God’s glory and not my own.  For this life is not mine, it was given to me, and it is precious.

  Why?  Because I believe that my Dad lived his life like it was a gift and I would everything I have in this world to have more days with my Dad.  To hear is laugh.  To watch him get mad at the Cubs.  To play golf with him or enjoy time just sitting on the basement couch watching TV.  I will never get that chance, though, until it is my time to join him in God’s glory in heaven.  But I can do one thing.  One simple thing.  To remember the gift of life and cherish it. 

  My hope and prayer for you is that you might remember that too.  Not just on your birthday.  But every single day.  Life is a gift.  A gift for you from your God.  Now, what are you going to do with it?




Trinity Tidings- Jun 4

Posted on: June 6th, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Vacation Bible School, June 5-8, 9 am to Noon.  VBS is open to all youth 4-years old and up.  Games, Crafts, Songs, Snack, and more!  $10 per child.  Registration form on the table in the Narthex.

Women of Trinity Summer Gathering, June 8th, 6 pm.  All women are invited to attend!  A meal is being served by the board.

No Monday morning Bible Study in June

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, June 12th, 6 pm at Buckshots.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  I was playing golf the other day (I know, shocker) and I hit a ball into a sand trap (I know, shocker).  I stood over the ball, got my feet nice and set, made a practice swing, and then took my hack at the ball.  I totally clipped it and it flew over the green.  I was less than happy. 

  The next hole I found myself in a bunker again (I know, shocker).  I stood over the ball, thought about how I needed to swing to stop what happened the last time, took my practice swing, and then went for the shot.  I totally clipped the ball again and it flew over the green.  Again. Now I was really less than happy.  And I stewed about it, how I could make that mistake again, how awful my golf game was.  It made me hit a terrible second chip and a terrible putt and I walked to the next tee box just fuming. 

  So of course, I hit a terrible drive and then found myself in a bunker.  Again.  And I’m thinking to myself, “This is not going to go well.”  But as I looked at my ball in that sand again, I realized that I wasn’t going to get anywhere if I didn’t forget about the previous terrible shots.  So I didn’t think at all.  No practice swing.  No thoughts.  I swung the club toward the ball, and by golly, it was an actual decent shot.  I couldn’t believe it!  All I had to do was forget the previous bad ones!

  Of course, that is much harder to do than to say.  It is hard to forget about our mistakes, especially the ones that really matter, unlike the ones on the golf course.  We stew over them, remember them, beat ourselves up about them.  We hold onto them, in our heart and in our head.  Thankfully, that is not the case for our merciful God.  As it says in Jeremiah 31, “for I will forgive their iniquity and remember their sin no more.”  Though we remember our mistakes, our God does not.  God forgets our mistakes, our sin, our trespasses.  In forgiveness, God in Jesus Christ establishes a new relationship, a new beginning, a new start.

  It is something we can learn from for ourselves.  To not dwell on our past mistakes.  We want to learn from them, but if we can’t forget them, if we can’t forgive ourselves as the Lord has forgiven us, then we are trapped in a cycle of guilt and pain, a cycle that threatens to continually hurt us.  When we receive that forgiveness from the Lord, it means a new start for us, a start we need to take and embrace.  For if the Lord is will to forget your sins, you need to forget your sins.  You are loved not because you are perfect but because you are the Lord.  And in the Lord you always have the opportunity to forge a new path, a new start, a new way. 

  Trust in the mercy and forgiveness of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  And just as the Lord forgives you, forgive yourself.  Forget that terrible shot from the bunker.  And keep swinging and keep trying.  May the Lord be with you. 


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Trinity Tidings- May25

Posted on: May 25th, 2023 by Brad Peterson

May 25, 2023


Office closed on Memorial Day

Vacation Bible School, June 5-8, 9 am to Noon.  VBS is open to all youth 4-years old and up.  Games, Crafts, Songs, Snack, and more!  $10 per child.  Registration form on the table in the Narthex.

Help Needed for VBS!  We need snack providers, helpers in the kitchen, and helpers with other VBS activities like leading a short Bible story and crafts.  See the sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.

Women of Trinity Summer Gathering, June 8th, 6 pm.  All women are invited to attend!  A meal is being served by the board.

No Monday morning Bible Study in June

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, June 12th, 6 pm at Buckshots.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


Happy Thursday everyone!  I hope that you are going to have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!  Special congratulations to our high school seniors who will be graduating on Friday.

  Below I have a couple of questions that I have been thinking about or have been asked of me over the past few weeks.  Thought I might share with all of you. 

Why does my umpiring clicker have a zero for inning?

  I have been thinking about this since I pulled my clicker out for my first game of the season as an umpire.  There is no inning zero.  We start at the first inning.  So what is the purpose?  Why do we have a zero?  I asked a fellow ump and they suspected that it was in case we went into extra innings (the clicker goes up to 9.).  But if that was the case, wouldn’t the number be 10 instead of 0?  Every clicker I have had has the zero.  It is a mystery.  An utter mystery. 

Why do we say “catholic” in the Apostle’s Creed?

  Someone asked me this the other day and maybe it is something you have wondered.  The word “catholic” does not mean the Roman Catholic Church. The word actually means “universal.”  We associate that word with the Christian denomination Roman Catholic Church, but in actually that denomination took its name from the word meaning universal.  Here is a cheat: if “catholic” is capitalized, it means the denomination.  If it isn’t (like in the Apostle’s Creed), it means the universal church.

  One of my favorite things is that I have a hymnal from my home church and someone scratched out “catholic” and wrote “Christian” in its place.

Why are there not the same number of hot dogs as the number of buns in a package of hot dog buns?

You go out to buy some hot dogs to get your hot dog feed on.  You get everything you need for a good dog: mustard, onions, relish, some sport peppers, a tomato, pickle, and some celery salt (notice no ketchup.  Ketchup does not belong on a hot dog).  Of course, you get some good beef dogs and then you got to get some buns.  Yet, the quantities are not the same.  Why is that? If a package of hot dogs has 10, why are there only 8 buns?  Or vice versa?  It drives me crazy.

  Look, I know the answer.  It means you buy more of something. But can’t the bakers of the buns and the hot dog makers (and the brat ones too) get together to have it all be the same?  Would that be so hard?  These are the things that keep me up at night (along with why do people desecrate the joy of a hot dog with ketchup).  I might have a problem. 

What is this thing called Pentecost?

  Pentecost Sunday is this Sunday and it is the day in which we celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit to people gathered in Jerusalem 50 days after Easter.  Pentecost was already a Jewish holiday that was celebrated 50 days after Passover and originally celebrated the wheat harvest.  It is why there are so many people in Jerusalem at that time.  Pentecost is also the birthday of the church.  Red is the color of the day as red is the color of the Holy Spirit, which was visually manifested as tongues of fire above peoples head on Pentecost.  You can read the whole story in Acts chapter 2 OR come to church at 9 am on Sunday!

If you have a question, I’d love to answer it in a future Musings.  Just send me an email!  I hope that you have a great Memorial Day weekend. May God bless you today and always!


Me with the newly minted Pastor Katie Wagner after her ordination this past Sunday.  Pastor Katie will be serving Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake Nebagemon, WI.

Trinity Tidings-May 16

Posted on: May 17th, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Graduate Recognition Service Sunday, May 21st, 9am.  We will honor all our high school graduates on this service.

Ordination for Katie Wagner, Sunday, May 21st, 3 pm.  Join us as Katie becomes a pastor!  Color of the day is red.  Fellowship time afterwards.  Katie has accepted a call to be pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake Nebagemon, WI

Boyceville Baccalaureate Service  Sunday, May 21st, 6 pm, at the High School Gymnatorium.  Sponsored by the Boyceville Area Ministerial Association.

Vacation Bible School, June 5-8, 9 am to Noon.  VBS is open to all youth 4-years old and up.  Games, Crafts, Songs, Snack, and more!  $10 per child.  Registration form on the table in the Narthex.

Help Needed for VBS!  We need snack providers, helpers in the kitchen, and helpers with other VBS activities like leading a short Bible story and crafts.  See the sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.

Luther Park is looking for summer staff!  They are looking for college age youth to serve as counselors and other staff.  Go to for an application and more information. 

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  Let’s celebrate!  When we gather on Sunday, we will gather in celebration.  We will start by celebrating our 2023 high school graduates as we recognize their accomplishments.  In our celebration, we will ask for God’s blessings upon them as they head out on a new journey of life.  It is a great time to recognize our youth and give thanks to God for the blessings they are! 

  We are celebrating Holy Communion, the gift of the body and blood of Christ that show us the forgiveness, life, and salvation we have in Jesus.  Anytime we gather around the table is a time of celebration, a celebration of our salvation and the grace of God we all receive.  We come to the table as we are, sinners in need of redemption and forgiveness, and we receive that in this holy sacrament. 

  Then we gather at 3 pm to celebrate Katie’s ordination.  An ordination is a worship service in which someone officially becomes a pastor.  Hands are laid upon them, as they were from the first disciples, and promises are made and given as Katie fulfills her call to rostered ordained ministry.  It is not just a celebration of Katie, though that is incredibly important.  It is a celebration of the church as a whole, as pastors and others from our Synod gather together.  It is a celebration of the church as we lift up and give thanks for everyone’s vocation in the church, for we all have a call to serve the Lord in our own way.  An ordination is a rare thing, so I hope that you will be there with your red on, celebrating Katie’s call and the church’s vocation.

  Finally, at 6 pm, we gather at the Middle School for our annual Baccalaureate service.  Not only is this a celebration of our graduates, but it is a celebration of our community.  A chance to come together as church’s, connected by a shared faith in Jesus Christ, to lift up each other and our young people.  We don’t have these sorts of ecumenical celebrations often, so they are pretty special when we do. 

  No matter what, Sunday is a day of celebration.  I hope to see you in some way at any of the celebrations.  Most importantly, I hope that you will celebrate every day the love and grace you receive in Jesus Christ. 


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Trinity Tidings- May 7

Posted on: May 11th, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Lagers with the Lord Monday, May 15th,  6:00 pm at Buckshot’s.  Join us for some time of Bible study and faith conversation.  All are welcome!

Graduate Recognition Service Sunday, May 21st, 9am.  We will honor all our high school graduates on this service.

Ordination for Katie Wagner, Sunday, May 21st, 3 pm.  Join us as Katie becomes a pastor!  Color of the day is red.  Fellowship time afterwards.  Katie has accepted a call to be pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake Nebagemon, WI

Boyceville Baccalaureate Service  Sunday, May 21st, 6 pm, at the High School Gymatorium.  Sponsored by the Boyceville Area Ministerial Association.

Vacation Bible School, June 5-8, 9 am to Noon.  VBS is open to all youth 4-years old and up.  Games, Crafts, Songs, Snack, and more!  $10 per child.  Registration form on the table in the Narthex.

Help Needed for VBS!  We need snack providers, helpers in the kitchen, and helpers with other VBS activities like leading a short Bible story and crafts.  See the sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.

Luther Park is looking for summer staff!  They are looking for college age youth to serve as counselors and other staff.  Go to for an application and more information. 

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  Today, we had a wonderful worship service as the Men’s Band played, we had communion, a wonderful Smelt Feed, and a baptism.  There was a fun moment in the baptism.  As I was baptizing the beautiful baby, who was staring right at me, she reached out and grabbed my cross that is around my neck.  After putting water on her head, her Dad lifted her up and she held onto that cross, until I had to pry it away from her. 

   There is something in the act of that beautiful child.  We cling to the cross of Christ.  We cling to the cross for hope, forgiveness, and promise, the promise of eternal life.  We cling to the cross in the midst of our suffering and pain, in our despair and anxiety.  We cling to the cross because the cross of Christ is our life.  It is our salvation. It is the thing we can rely on when all else seems lost, when everything else seems to be slipping away.  It is the power of God for us.

  In life, we can sometimes feel like we have nothing to hold onto.  Life can seem fleeting, unstable, and unpredictable.  We need something that we can count, something that gives us strength.  That thing is the cross of Christ.  It is not a stumbling block for us.  It is the power of God  It is hope for in that sin is defeated, death is defeated, the devil is defeated.  This cross is a sign of God’s love for us, something you can always count on and always trust.

  May you, like that sweet baby today, cling to the cross.  May it give you hope and comfort and may you know every moment that you are loved and cared for by your Savior Jesus Christ. 




Trinity Tidings- Apr 30

Posted on: May 1st, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Men’s Band Worship, May 7th, 9 am.

Smelt Feed, May 7th, 10 am till 11:30 am.  Smelt, meatballs, cole slaw, baked beans, chips, dessert.  Free will offering taken to benefit Trinity Missions.  Served by Men in Mission

Workers needed for the Smelt Feed.  See the sign-up on the table in the Narthex.

Lagers with the Lord Monday, May 15th,  6:00 pm at Buckshot’s.  Join us for some time of Bible study and faith conversation.  All are welcome!

Graduate Recognition Service Sunday, May 21st, 9am.  We will honor all our high school graduates on this service.

Boyceville Baccalaureate Service  Sunday, May 21st, 6 pm, at the High School Gymnatorium.  Sponsored by the Boyceville Area Ministerial Association.

Vacation Bible School, June 5-8, 9 am to Noon.  VBS is open to all youth 4-years old and up.  Games, Crafts, Songs, Snack, and more!  $10 per child.  Registration form on the table in the Narthex.

Help Needed for VBS!  We need snack providers, helpers in the kitchen, and helpers with other VBS activities like leading a short Bible story and crafts.  See the sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, May 15th, 6 pm.  Held at Buckshots.  All are welcome to join us for this Bible study and faith discussion!

Luther Park is looking for summer staff!  They are looking for college age youth to serve as counselors and other staff.  Go to for an application and more information. 

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


  Yesterday was the annual Synod Assembly (special thanks to Bill & Julie Fisher for representing Trinity) but I must admit it isn’t my favorite event of the year.  Sometimes the discussions are necessary but super boring or frustrating.  The church was super hot so I felt like I was in a sauna.  I always think it can be done quicker and more efficient.  But there are two things I enjoy about Synod Assembly.

  The first is that I get to see so many of my colleagues and other lay people I have met in my various roles over the years.  It is good to catch up, to tease each other, to have a quick five minute conversation just catching up on life.  For some of us, it might be the only time we see each other all year so it is a little like going to Homecoming back at your high school.  You just catch up with a ton of people. 

   The second is that I’m always reminded of how big the church can be and how we often take the church with us.  Have you ever thought that you take the church with you?  As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you take Jesus with you into all areas of your life. And since Christ is the head of the church, that means you bring the church with you.  The church goes where you go. 

  I talk with our youth about this, about how when they go to camp or on a mission trip they bring all of Trinity with them, representing them wherever they go.  But one thing I like about thinking of how the church goes with us wherever we go is that means we are not alone.  No matter what arena of life we are in, like our job, community activities, family gatherings, even trips to the grocery store, the church goes with us.  Supporting us.  Reminding us of the love of Jesus Christ.  Showing us that we are connected to something greater than ourselves. 

  Because that is what the church does: it shows us that we are connected to something greater than ourselves.  We are connected and joined with other disciples of Jesus Christ across the world.  Which means we always have a place, we always have support, we always can be strengthened in faith, hope, and love.  Synod Assembly can be incredibly boring but it can also be incredibly moving, for it reminds me of the wider church and how much awesomeness there is going on in this thing we call church.

  May the Lord continue to bless our congregation, our Synod and denomination, and the church universal across the globe.  And maybe next year I won’t lose ten pounds in sweat at Synod Assembly!  May God bless you today and always!




Trinity Tidings- Apr 23

Posted on: April 24th, 2023 by Brad Peterson


Cross Generational Worship service, Sunday, April 30th.

Bring your household items and clothes to Trinity in April  Every Saturday in April, from 9 am till Noon, we are collecting items as a fundraiser for the Women of Trinity.  All items should be clean and in good condition.  Place clothes and shoes in a trash bag and all other items in boxes. Thank you for supporting the Women of Trinity!

Men’s Band Worship, May 7th, 9 am.

Smelt Feed, May 7th, 10 am till 11:30 am.  Smelt, meatballs, coleslaw, baked beans, chips, dessert.  Free will offering taken to benefit Trinity Missions.  Served by Men in Mission

Workers needed for the Smelt Feed.  See the sign-up on the table in the Narthex.

Lagers with the Lord Monday, May 15th,  6:00 pm at Buckshot’s.  Join us for some time of Bible study and faith conversation.  All are welcome!

Luther Park is looking for summer staff!  They are looking for college age youth to serve as counselors and other staff.  Go to for an application and more information. 

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


   I believe I’ve shared this story before, but it came into my head after my nap this afternoon and I thought I would share it with you again.  It always packs a punch!  PB


He sits by himself at a table for two.

The uniformed waiter returns to his side and asks, “Would you like to go ahead and order, sir?” The man has, after all, been waiting since seven o’clock–almost two hours.

“No, thank you,” the man smiles. “I’ll wait for her a while longer. How about some more coffee?”

“Certainly, sir.”

The man sits, his clear blue eyes gazing straight through the flowered centerpiece. He fingers his napkin, allowing the sounds of light chatter, tinkling silverware, and mellow music to fill his mind. He is dressed in a sport coat and tie. His dark brown hair is neatly combed, but one stray lock insists on dropping to his forehead. The scent of his cologne adds to his clean-cut image. He is dressed up enough to make a companion feel important, respected, loved. Yet he is not so formal as to make one uncomfortable. It seems that he has taken every precaution to make others feel at ease with him.

Still, he sits alone.

The waiter returns to fill the man’s coffee cup. “Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?”

“No, thank you.”

The waiter remains standing at the table. Something tugs at his curiosity.

“I don’t mean to pry, but…” His voice trails off. This line of conversation could jeopardize his tip.

“Go ahead,” the man encourages. He is strong, yet sensitive, inviting conversation.

“Why do you bother waiting for her?” the waiter finally blurts out. This man has been at the restaurant many other evenings, always patiently alone.

Says the man quietly, “Because she needs me.”

“Are you sure?”

“Oh Yes. I’m very positive of that.”

“Well, sir, no offense, but assuming that she needs you, she sure isn’t acting much like it. She’s stood you up three times just this week alone.”

The man winces, and looks down at the table. “Yes, I know.”

“Then why do you still come here and wait?”

“Cassie said that she would be here.”

“She’s said that before,” the waiter protests. “I wouldn’t put up with it. Why do you?”

Now the man looks up, smiles at the waiter, and says simply, “Because I love her.”

The waiter walks away, wondering how one could love a girl who stands him up three times in one week alone. The man must be crazy, he decides. Either that or he must really love that girl. Across the room, he turns to look at the man again. The man slowly pours cream into his coffee. He twirls his spoon between his fingers a few times before stirring sweetener into his cup. After staring for a moment into the liquid, the man brings the cup to his mouth and sips, silently watching those around him. He doesn’t look crazy, the waiter admits. Maybe the girl has qualities that I don’t know about. Or maybe the man’s love is stronger than most. That’s probably it. This guy must be so much in love with her he can’t even see straight. The waiter shakes himself out of his musings to take an order from a party of five.

The man watches the waiter, and wonders if he’s ever been stood up. The man has. Many, many times. But he still can’t get used to it. Each time, it hurts. He’s looked forward to this evening all day. He has many things, exciting things, to tell Cassie. He loves her so much and so deeply. But, more importantly, he wants to hear Cassie’s voice. He wants her to tell him all about her day, her triumphs, her defeats….anything, really. He has tried so many times to show Cassie how much he loves her. He’d just like to know that she cares for him, too. He sips sporadically at the coffee, and loses himself in thought, knowing that Cassie is late, but still hoping that she will arrive.

The clock says nine-thirty when the waiter returns to the man’s table. “Is there anything I can get for you?”

The still empty chair stabs at the man. “No, I think that will be all for the night. May I have the check please?”

“Yes, sir.”

When the waiter leaves, the man picks up the check. He pulls out his wallet and sighs. He has enough to have given Cassie a feast. He takes out enough money to pay for his five cups of coffee and the tip. Why do you do this, Cassie?” His mind cries as he gets up from the table.

“Good-bye,” the waiter says, as the man walks towards the door.

“Good night. Thank you for your service.”

You’re welcome, sir,” says the waiter softly, for he sees the hurt in the man’s eyes that his smile doesn’t even begin to hide.

The man passes a laughing young couple on his way out and his eyes glisten as he thinks of the good time he and Cassie could have had. He stops at the front and makes reservations for tomorrow. Maybe Cassie will be able to make it, he thinks. Oh, I do hope so.

“Seven o’clock tomorrow for party of two?” the hostess confirms.

“That’s right,” the man replies.

“Do you think she’ll come?” asks the hostess. She doesn’t mean to be rude, but she has watched the man many times alone at his table for two.

“Someday, yes. And I will be waiting for her.”

The man buttons his overcoat and walks out of the restaurant, alone. His shoulders are hunched, but through the windows the hostess can only guess whether they are hunched against the wind or against the man’s hurt.

As the man turns toward home, Cassie turns in bed. She is tired after an evening out with friends. As she reaches toward her night stand to set the alarm, she sees the note that she scribbled to herself last night.

“7:00,” it says. “Spend some time in prayer.”

Darn, she thinks. She forgot again. She feels a twinge of guilt, but quickly pushes it aside. She needed that time with her friends. And now she needs her sleep. She can pray tomorrow night.

Jesus will forgive her. And she’s sure he doesn’t mind.

(Kirsten Burgess)


