Graduate Recognition Service Sunday, May 21st, 9am. We will honor all our high school graduates on this service.
Ordination for Katie Wagner, Sunday, May 21st, 3 pm. Join us as Katie becomes a pastor! Color of the day is red. Fellowship time afterwards. Katie has accepted a call to be pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake Nebagemon, WI
Boyceville Baccalaureate Service Sunday, May 21st, 6 pm, at the High School Gymnatorium. Sponsored by the Boyceville Area Ministerial Association.
Vacation Bible School, June 5-8, 9 am to Noon. VBS is open to all youth 4-years old and up. Games, Crafts, Songs, Snack, and more! $10 per child. Registration form on the table in the Narthex.
Help Needed for VBS! We need snack providers, helpers in the kitchen, and helpers with other VBS activities like leading a short Bible story and crafts. See the sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.
Luther Park is looking for summer staff! They are looking for college age youth to serve as counselors and other staff. Go to for an application and more information.
Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website. Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!
Let’s celebrate! When we gather on Sunday, we will gather in celebration. We will start by celebrating our 2023 high school graduates as we recognize their accomplishments. In our celebration, we will ask for God’s blessings upon them as they head out on a new journey of life. It is a great time to recognize our youth and give thanks to God for the blessings they are!
We are celebrating Holy Communion, the gift of the body and blood of Christ that show us the forgiveness, life, and salvation we have in Jesus. Anytime we gather around the table is a time of celebration, a celebration of our salvation and the grace of God we all receive. We come to the table as we are, sinners in need of redemption and forgiveness, and we receive that in this holy sacrament.
Then we gather at 3 pm to celebrate Katie’s ordination. An ordination is a worship service in which someone officially becomes a pastor. Hands are laid upon them, as they were from the first disciples, and promises are made and given as Katie fulfills her call to rostered ordained ministry. It is not just a celebration of Katie, though that is incredibly important. It is a celebration of the church as a whole, as pastors and others from our Synod gather together. It is a celebration of the church as we lift up and give thanks for everyone’s vocation in the church, for we all have a call to serve the Lord in our own way. An ordination is a rare thing, so I hope that you will be there with your red on, celebrating Katie’s call and the church’s vocation.
Finally, at 6 pm, we gather at the Middle School for our annual Baccalaureate service. Not only is this a celebration of our graduates, but it is a celebration of our community. A chance to come together as church’s, connected by a shared faith in Jesus Christ, to lift up each other and our young people. We don’t have these sorts of ecumenical celebrations often, so they are pretty special when we do.
No matter what, Sunday is a day of celebration. I hope to see you in some way at any of the celebrations. Most importantly, I hope that you will celebrate every day the love and grace you receive in Jesus Christ.
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