May 25, 2023
Office closed on Memorial Day
Vacation Bible School, June 5-8, 9 am to Noon. VBS is open to all youth 4-years old and up. Games, Crafts, Songs, Snack, and more! $10 per child. Registration form on the table in the Narthex.
Help Needed for VBS! We need snack providers, helpers in the kitchen, and helpers with other VBS activities like leading a short Bible story and crafts. See the sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.
Women of Trinity Summer Gathering, June 8th, 6 pm. All women are invited to attend! A meal is being served by the board.
No Monday morning Bible Study in June
Lagers with the Lord, Monday, June 12th, 6 pm at Buckshots.
Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website. Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!
Happy Thursday everyone! I hope that you are going to have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Special congratulations to our high school seniors who will be graduating on Friday.
Below I have a couple of questions that I have been thinking about or have been asked of me over the past few weeks. Thought I might share with all of you.
Why does my umpiring clicker have a zero for inning?
I have been thinking about this since I pulled my clicker out for my first game of the season as an umpire. There is no inning zero. We start at the first inning. So what is the purpose? Why do we have a zero? I asked a fellow ump and they suspected that it was in case we went into extra innings (the clicker goes up to 9.). But if that was the case, wouldn’t the number be 10 instead of 0? Every clicker I have had has the zero. It is a mystery. An utter mystery.
Why do we say “catholic” in the Apostle’s Creed?
Someone asked me this the other day and maybe it is something you have wondered. The word “catholic” does not mean the Roman Catholic Church. The word actually means “universal.” We associate that word with the Christian denomination Roman Catholic Church, but in actually that denomination took its name from the word meaning universal. Here is a cheat: if “catholic” is capitalized, it means the denomination. If it isn’t (like in the Apostle’s Creed), it means the universal church.
One of my favorite things is that I have a hymnal from my home church and someone scratched out “catholic” and wrote “Christian” in its place.
Why are there not the same number of hot dogs as the number of buns in a package of hot dog buns?
You go out to buy some hot dogs to get your hot dog feed on. You get everything you need for a good dog: mustard, onions, relish, some sport peppers, a tomato, pickle, and some celery salt (notice no ketchup. Ketchup does not belong on a hot dog). Of course, you get some good beef dogs and then you got to get some buns. Yet, the quantities are not the same. Why is that? If a package of hot dogs has 10, why are there only 8 buns? Or vice versa? It drives me crazy.
Look, I know the answer. It means you buy more of something. But can’t the bakers of the buns and the hot dog makers (and the brat ones too) get together to have it all be the same? Would that be so hard? These are the things that keep me up at night (along with why do people desecrate the joy of a hot dog with ketchup). I might have a problem.
What is this thing called Pentecost?
Pentecost Sunday is this Sunday and it is the day in which we celebrate the giving of the Holy Spirit to people gathered in Jerusalem 50 days after Easter. Pentecost was already a Jewish holiday that was celebrated 50 days after Passover and originally celebrated the wheat harvest. It is why there are so many people in Jerusalem at that time. Pentecost is also the birthday of the church. Red is the color of the day as red is the color of the Holy Spirit, which was visually manifested as tongues of fire above peoples head on Pentecost. You can read the whole story in Acts chapter 2 OR come to church at 9 am on Sunday!
If you have a question, I’d love to answer it in a future Musings. Just send me an email! I hope that you have a great Memorial Day weekend. May God bless you today and always!
Me with the newly minted Pastor Katie Wagner after her ordination this past Sunday. Pastor Katie will be serving Trinity Lutheran Church in Lake Nebagemon, WI.