Trinity Tidings- Sept 29

Posted on: September 30th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

September 29th, 2024


Mission Trip 2025 Registration forms are due October 2nd  Contact PB if you need information or have questions. 

Crew on Wednesday, October 2nd, 3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

Voices of Praise, Wednesday, October 2nd, 7 pm! Like to sing?  Want to sing praises to God?  Want to sing with others?  Hate to sing in front of an audience?  This is the group for you!  Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm for the sole purpose of using our voices to give praise to God with others.  This is a fellowship group that gathers to sing together with no expectation that we will sing during worship or in front of an audience.  The only requirement is a love of singing and a love of God!  All ages are welcome! 

Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Fair October 12th 9 am till 2 pm at Boyceville High School  There are events as well throughout Boyceville. 

Fall Family Fest, Sunday, October 13th, 3 pm till 5pm.  Inflatables, food, pumpkin carving, games, and more for the whole family. 

Lagers with Lord is Monday, October 14th, at 6 pm at Buckshot’s! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Crew snacks needed!  We invite individuals and families to sign-up to provide snacks for 50-60 youth for Crew!  Feel free to team up with others!  You do not need to serve the snacks, just provide them!  You can provide whatever you want.  Items should be here by 3 pm on the day of Crew.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the office.  Questions?  Talk to PB.

MISSION MADNESS 2024: October 6-November 10th: The annual tradition continues as we raise money for our Mission Partners and PB does embarrassing or weird things.  Just designate your offering to either Mission Madness or to a specific mission partner like Luther Park or WestCAP as an example.  As a twist this year, if a certain number of Time & Talent sheets get turned in, since part of our Mission is using our gifts for God’s glory, that will also fulfill some Mission Madness goals.

Here are the goals:

$500  PB has to wear a Star Trek shirt (reminder: PB doesn’t like Star Trek). 25 Time & Talent sheets

$1,000 PB eats a serving size of Mayonnaise. 50 Time & Talent sheets

$1,500 PB gets attacked with silly string by kids in the congregation. 75 time & Talent Sheets

$2,000 PB wears a full Packers outfit at the November Synod Gathering.  100 Time & Talent Sheets

$2,500 PB gets hit in the face with a pie by the Bishop Martin Halom on November 17th


Psalm 23:6a “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,”

  I love digging into scripture, and in preparing for “Lagers with the Lord” last month on my favorite scripture of Psalm 23, I was looking at the above verse, Psalm 23:6.  We must always remember that the Bible wasn’t originally written in English and everything is a translation and in a commentary I was reading it was pointed out that the word that is often translated from Hebrew as “ shall follow” could also be translated as “shall pursue.”  And I have to admit, it blew my mind.  You can ask those that were at “Lagers with the Lord,” I went on and on about it. Because I got this image in my head.

  See, to me, shall follow is a nice image, but I think of the game “follow the leader.”  We are just nicely following behind.  Goodness and mercy is just very nicely and calmly following behind me.  But the word pursue to me is very active.  It is very aggressive.  I think of a lion going after a zebra in the wild.  I think of something coming relentlessly after me.  So I imagine, now, that the goodness and mercy of God is relentlessly, aggressively, coming after me.  Pursuing me.  Me, who has been walking in the shadow of death.  Me, who has been suffering.  Hurting.  Questioning.  Wondering.  That the goodness and mercy of God is coming for me.  That it is inevitable.  I will experience that goodness and mercy. No matter what.

  This is a message of hope.  I need this message of hope.  I bet you do to.  We all do.  We need to hear that the goodness and mercy of God is pursuing us all the days of our life, coming for us a gift, a gift we see in the life, death, and resurrection of the great shepherd Jesus Christ.  This God never stops pursuing you.  Never gives up on you.  Never stops coming for you, to shower you with love and hope and goodness and mercy.  Will keep pursuing you no matter what.  This is God’s promise and this is our hope.

  It is again why I love studying God’s Word because you never know what nugget you might find that can open your eyes and heart to something new and also help to see God in a new way.  But it also reminds us of this important truth: we are loved by God in Jesus Christ.  God’s goodness and mercy is for you every single day, a goodness and mercy found in Jesus Christ for you.  May you know that goodness and mercy is for you today, tomorrow, and always.  For that we can say, “Thanks be to God!” 

Trinity Tidings- Sept 22

Posted on: September 23rd, 2024 by Brad Peterson

September 22nd, 2024


Volunteers Needed!  We are packing Lutheran World Relief boxes on Wednesday, September 25th, at 9 am.  We thank you for your help in advance!

Mission Trip 2025 Registration forms are due September 29th!  Contact PB if you need information or have questions. 

Blessing of the Quilts on Sunday, September 29th, 9 am

Voices of Praise, Wednesday, October 2nd, 7 pm! Like to sing?  Want to sing praises to God?  Want to sing with others?  Hate to sing in front of an audience?  This is the group for you!  Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm for the sole purpose of using our voices to give praise to God with others.  This is a fellowship group that gathers to sing together with no expectation that we will sing during worship or in front of an audience.  The only requirement is a love of singing and a love of God!  All ages are welcome! 

Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Fair October 12th 9 am till 2 pm at Boyceville High School  There are events as well throughout Boyceville. 

Fall Family Fest, Sunday, October 13th, 3 pm till 5pm.  Inflatables, food, pumpkin carving, games, and more for the whole family. 

Lagers with Lord is Monday, October 14th, at 6 pm at Buckshots! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Crew snacks needed!  We invite individuals and families to sign-up to provide snacks for 50-60 youth for Crew!  Feel free to team up with others!  You do not need to serve the snacks, just provide them!  You can provide whatever you want.  Items should be here by 3 pm on the day of Crew.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the office.  Questions?  Talk to PB.

MISSION MADNESS 2024: October 6-November 10th: The annual tradition continues as we raise money for our Mission Partners and PB does embarrassing or weird things.  Just designate your offering to either Mission Madness or to a specific mission partner like Luther Park or WestCAP as an example.  As a twist this year, if a certain number of Time & Talent sheets get turned in, since part of our Mission is using our gifts for God’s glory, that will also fulfill some Mission Madness goals.

Here are the goals:

$500  PB has to wear a Star Trek shirt (reminder: PB doesn’t like Star Trek). 25 Time & Talent sheets

$1,000 PB eats a serving size of Mayonnaise. 50 Time & Talent sheets

$1,500 PB gets attacked with silly string by kids in the congregation. 75 time & Talent Sheets

$2,000 PB wears a full Packers outfit at the November Synod Gathering.  100 Time & Talent Sheets

$2,500 PB gets hit in the face with a pie by the Bishop Martin Halom on November 17th


  I want to take a moment to highlight a couple of things:

  • This Wednesday we are packing up the Lutheran World Relief Kits at 9 am.  We really could use all hands on deck.  We will be packing throughout the morning and if you are willing to come by, even for an hour, that would make a big difference.  No experience necessary.  All ages and abilities are needed!
  • We have a new fellowship group starting up on October 2nd called Voices of Praise.  In my head the unofficial name is a Choir that is not a Choir.  The purpose of the group is a place for people to come together to sing without the pressure of singing in front of an audience.  There are people who want to gather with others to sing praise to God but who feel uncomfortable singing in public.  This is a chance to do something fun and that you love but without that added pressure. A chance to connect in a shared activity for the pure joy of it.  We are going to gather at 7 pm and so if you like to sing, come join us.  We are going to sing for about a half hour or as long as people want to sing.  Come have some fun, connect with others, and lift up your voices in praise. 
  • I want to make sure everyone has the Oktoberfest Sip and Savior Craft and Vendor Show on your calendar from 9 am till 2 pm on October 12th.  The main show is at Boyceville High School but there is a ton of other stuff going on throughout Boyceville and at all sorts of businesses throughout town.  It is going to be a big event all day.  I know that I’ll be stopping by lots of places and I hope that you will be too.  They work on this throughout the year and the Women of Trinity use the funds to support a lot of ministries.
  • We had a good first Crew this past Wednesday with 44 kids and it was good to have them all back.  There is a lot of energy and we have a lot of fun and it is amazing how many kids as they are crossing in the morning or afternoon ask me when the next one is. We would love to see that snack sheet with some more names on it. We encourage people to partner together to provide snacks for up to 50 youth.  You can provide whatever you want.  Want to bring some fruit, cookies, and cheese?  Great.  Want to bring hot dogs and mac and cheese?  Great.  Want to just bring a bunch of random things?  Also great.  We have people to serve it, we just need stuff.  We don’t need beverages, just the food.  Please talk to me if you have any questions.  
  • Please take note of Mission Madness 2024 that is coming up starting in October.  This is annual tradition is not just about me doing stupid stuff and you getting the joy of seeing me doing that stuff.  It is really about fulfilling who we are as a church, and that is helping others.  About taking the gifts we have so that we can make a difference.  This year we have a wrinkle, but some of those gifts are just not our financial gifts.  Part of our mission is the giving of our time.  It is using our talents for the sake of God’s mission in the world.  And so, to fulfill our goals, we are adding having you turn in Time and Talent sheets in as well.  These are so important if we are going to continue to grow as a church.  You will hear more about this in future Trinity Tidings, but I have attached the Time and Talent sheet so you can prayerfully consider how you can use your gifts for the sake of this church and its Mission in the coming year.
  • Hope you have a fantastic week and I hope that you see God’s love in Jesus Christ active and working in your life today and every day!

Trinity Tidings-Sept 15

Posted on: September 16th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

September 15th, 2024


Sunday School Rally Day is  September 15th!  Sunday School is for youth 4 years old through 6th grade.  We invite you to head down the hallway to get your child registered for the year.  We also need your help teaching our youth!  All materials are provided and plans are laid out for you.  Please consider giving an 45 minutes of your time to share the love of Jesus with our youth. 

Mission Trip Informational Meeting after worship on September 15th for all high school youth.  We are going to St. Louis July 20-25, 2025  If you are interested but couldn’t make the meeting, contact PB.  Registration forms need to be in by September 29th

Lagers with Lord is Monday, September 16th, at 6 pm at Buckshots! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Outdoor Worship/Blessing of the Animals is next Sunday, Sept 22nd. Bring your pets and a chair, though you can also sit in your vehicle if you so choose!

Crew begins on Wednesday, September 18th, for all 3rd-6th graders from 3:30 pm till 5 pm.

Crew snacks needed!  We invite individuals and families to sign-up to provide snacks for 50-60 youth for Crew!  Feel free to team up with others!  You do not need to serve the snacks, just provide them!  You can provide whatever you want.  Items should be here by 3 pm on the day of Crew.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the office.  Questions?  Talk to PB.

Volunteers Needed!  We are packing Lutheran World Relief boxes on Wednesday, September 25th, at 9 am.  We thank you for your help in advance!

Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Fair October 12th 9 am till 2 pm at Boyceville High School  There are events as well throughout Boyceville. 


  As many of you know, I love bacon.  It is my favorite food.  But I wouldn’t call it a comfort food necessarily.  When I want a comfort food, I would say popcorn is my favorite comfort food.  It is what I want at night after a very long day.  It is a special treat.  It brings a lot of joy to my heart.  I love it when I have it at Disneyland or at a game or in my living room with Baxter and Amy.  I have eaten it for meals (and in college I often had it for every meal in a day) and I never tire of it.  Butter, salt, popcorn.  Joy.  My love of popcorn comes from my mother, who ate it almost every day, and so when I eat popcorn I think of my Mom, which is probably why it also brings me comfort.

  We all need a comfort food, something that just warms us up, makes us feel good, just is a little bit of joy that we can have in the midst of the rough days of life.  God gifts us those things in life that bring us comfort in our lives, from our favorite song to that TV show that we watch over and over to the blanket we always snuggle under or the pet that sits on our lap, we have those things that help calm us, comfort us, and make us feel save and ok.

  Of course, our Savior Jesus Christ is our ultimate comfort.  The promise of forgiveness, life, and salvation that we have in Jesus is the best comfort we can get.  It makes me think of this verse from Psalm 119:50: “This is my comfort in my distress, that your promise gives me life.”  No matter what is going in on our lives, no matter how scary things are, no matter what worry is on our hearts, because Jesus has defeated sin and death for us, we have that promise of eternal life.  Our salvation is assured.  And that brings comfort.  Even better, we have the promise that Christ is with us always, so we aren’t alone in the midst of those hard and tough days.  The Lord walks with us. 

  So take comfort in those things that the Lord has brought in your lives to help ease your burdens and soothe your soul.  But remember that the greatest comfort you have is your Savior Jesus Christ.  Now I think it is time for some popcorn.  May God bless you today and always!

Trinity Tidings- Sept 9

Posted on: September 9th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

September 8th, 2024


Sunday School Rally Day is  September 15th!  Sunday School is for youth 4 years old through 6th grade.  We invite you to head down the hallway to get your child registered for the year.  We also need your help teaching our youth!  All materials are provided and plans are laid out for you.  Please consider giving an 45 minutes of your time to share the love of Jesus with our youth. 

Mission Trip Informational Meeting after worship on September 15th for all high school youth.  We are going to St. Louis July 20-25, 2025

Lagers with Lord is Monday, September 16th, at 6 pm at Buckshots! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Outdoor Worship/Blessing of the Animals is next Sunday, Sept 22nd. Bring your pets and a chair, though you can also sit in your vehicle if you so choose!

Sunday School Begins on Sunday, September 15th at 9:45 am.

Crew begins on Wednesday, September 18th, for all 3rd-6th graders from 3:30 pm till 5 pm.

Crew snacks needed!  We invite individuals and families to sign-up to provide snacks for 50-60 youth for Crew!  Feel free to team up with others!  You do not need to serve the snacks, just provide them!  You can provide whatever you want.  Items should be here by 3 pm on the day of Crew.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the office.  Questions?  Call PB or talk to Lonna Borgert or Trudie Chernak.

Volunteers Needed!  We are packing Lutheran World Relief boxes on Wednesday, September 25th, at 9 am.  We thank you for your help in advance!


   We have a member of our congregation that always astounds me.  They will contact me and tell me about all of their latest challenges.  Challenges with health, challenges going on with their family life, challenges going on with the people they love, concerns they have about the world in general.  And yet, at the end of a list difficulties, will express incredible gratitude.  Gratitude for life.  Gratitude for the blessings of God.  Even gratitude for me for listening.  Just straight up praise for the ways in which God has blessed them throughout life. And I’m always amazed, because most of the time when I get contacted in that manner it doesn’t end that way.  It usually ends with messages of why is life so bad and terrible and awful. 

  It is easy to look at the world and only see the bad and awful.  There is a lot of bad and terrible.  And we get pumped with a lot of terrible and bad at us at all times from a variety of sources, whether it be from the media, politicians, or even our own personalities and perspectives.  Things aren’t ever good enough.  We aren’t getting what we think we deserve or should have.  Someone is always screwing us over.  I’m always looking at the things I’m doing wrong instead of the things I’m doing right.  It is a constant cycle of negativity that feeds upon itself in an endless loop.

  But here it the thing.  Life is not fundamentally bad.  Life is fundamentally good.  I thought of this as I was teaching my first confirmation class of the year and we were talking about creation and God is constantly calling his creation “good.”  Everything around is fundamentally good.  Sure, we have mucked it up with sin, but that doesn’t make it less good at its very essence. 

  At the same time, everything around us is also a gift.  It has been given to us by the loving Creator who made it and then has trusted us with it.  We are the stewards of it.  We haven’t earned anything it.  It all has been given to us, even our salvation.  Given by grace through faith in Jesus, won by Christ’s death and resurrection.   We are surrounded by gifts.  The food that we eat.  The people in our lives.  The vocations that we have.  The things that bring us joy.  The beauty that we see.  All of it are gifts. 

  I would even go so far to say that the challenges that we face in life can be gifts because how can we know the joy if we don’t experience the other side.  We can never know gratitude without challenge.  We don’t know strength without knowing weakness.  We don’t know hope without despair nor faith without doubt.  But maybe the challenge comes in what eyes will we use.  Will we view the world and our lives with eyes of negativity, of fear, of doubt, of hate?  Or will we view the world with eyes of positivity, of hope, of faith, of love?  Will we be people of gratitude or people of selfishness? 

   I want to be like that member that can list all that is going wrong and yet be incredibly grateful.  I pray every day for the Lord to give me a heart of thankfulness and to see life as the gift it is, even when it is hard.  To see the blessing in the midst of the hardship.  To see that life is good. Because even in the worst of times, there is always hope because there is always the Lord, who has already won the victory for us.  For you. “God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

  May God bless you today and always. 

Trinity Tidings- Aug 26

Posted on: August 26th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

August 26th, 2024


It’s back to school time!! The WOT will be collecting items for our local schools and for kits to go to Lutheran World Relief. There are two different boxes set out for collection so make sure you put yours in the box you want your items to go to. The bags you take off the pews are the ones that go to Lutheran World Relief and each bag has a printed copy of all items needed to fill that bag. There are copies of items needed for our local schools on the display table by the kitchen. Thank you for helping us help others!

Lagers with the Lord August 26th, 6 pm at Buckshots

Confirmation Parent Meeting Wednesday, August 28th, 7 pm for all 7th & 8th Grade parents. 

Sunday School Begins on Sunday, September 15th at 9:45 am.

Crew begins on Wednesday, September 18th, for all 3rd-6th graders from 3:30 pm till 5 pm.

Crew snacks needed!  We invite individuals and families to sign-up to provide snacks for 50-60 youth for Crew!  Feel free to team up with others!  You do not need to serve the snacks, just provide them!  You can provide whatever you want.  Items should be here by 3 pm on the day of Crew.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the office.  Questions?  Call PB or talk to Lonna Borgert or Trudie Chernak.


As I am sure you can all tell by what I am wear, I am a style maven.  I am on the cutting edge of fashion, with my Mickey Mouse golf polo shirts, my Star Wars t-shirts, and my ever-fashionable clerical collars. 😊 But in truth, I do actually think a little bit about what I’m going to wear.  I tend to pick out my clothes in advance, especially for vacation.  Sometimes I theme them for certain things.  Heck, on our last trip the CEO of Disney, Bob Iger, even said he liked my Star Wars shirt when he walked by! I take time to think about what I’m going to wear for sporting events, like last week when I went to the Cubs game I wore by 1984 Ryne Sandberg Cubs away jersey instead of the home won, and even changed the Cubs hat I wore, because the last game I went to they lost in the outfit I was in (Cubs won this time, solely based on my outfit for sure).  I will think hard about what I wear for the first Bears game because if they win that is what I will wear for every game until they lose.  And I always thought hard about what I was going to wear on the first day of school, which was why I wore the exact same shirt two years in a row!

  I’m sure there will be some important decisions being made as kids think about what they are going to wear for their first day of school.  And maybe you think about what you wear to work every day, especially if it is a big day at work or if you have an important day.  Maybe you don’t give a single thought to what you put on in the morning.  No matter how you think about it, you do have to clothe yourselves, not only literally, but also figuratively.  We also have to put on an attitude for the morning as well. It can be one of positivity.  It can be one of negativity or sadness or even anger.  How we get ready to approach the day can make a big difference.  Last Friday when I got ready to play golf I was full of confidence and I went out and just dominated.  Even when I hit a bad shot, I knew I could get out of it.  Sunday, I just had a feeling I was going to play terrible and I did at the Luther Park Golf Outing and even when I hit good shots, I couldn’t build on it. 

  And so, I encourage you that just as you think about what clothes you put on in the morning, don’t forget to think about how you will clothe yourself mentally and spiritually.  Remember these words from Colossians 3:14,  “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” Go out the door with love in your hearts, ready to be people of compassion and grace.  Approach the day with love at the center.  Love for your Savior, love for your neighbor, love for life.  I believe that when we do that, it makes the bad days easier, the good days great, and a reminder that every day is a gift. 

  So, pick out that outfit for the day, and don’t forget to clothe yourself with love, a love gifted to you by a Savior who loves you, has forgiven you, and brings you to eternal life.  May God bless you today and always!

Trinity Tidings- Aug 18

Posted on: August 19th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

August 18th, 2024


Lunch & Pie Social Today from 10 am till 4 pm!

No Wednesday Worship this week, August 21st.  The Men’s Band will be at First Lutheran Church in Cumberland.  You are invited to join them

It’s back to school time!! The WOT will be collecting items for our local schools and for kits to go to Lutheran World Relief. There are two different boxes set out for collection so make sure you put yours in the box you want your items to go to. The bags you take off the pews are the ones that go to Lutheran World Relief and each bag has a printed copy of all items needed to fill that bag. There are copies of items needed for our local schools on the display table by the kitchen. Thank you for helping us help others!

Luther Park Golf Outing, Sunday, August 25th, 12:30 pm, at Sioux Creek Golf Course, Chetek.  You can sign-up at or talk to PB.  Hole games, raffles, and more!  Come join PB in a fun afternoon of golf!

Lagers with the Lord August 26th, 6 pm at Buckshot’s

Confirmation Parent Meeting Wednesday, August 28th, 7 pm for all 7th & 8th Grade parents. 

Sunday School Begins on Sunday, September 15th at 9:45 am.


  As we exited out of Disneyland on the last day of vacation, I just couldn’t resist.  I saw it.  I smelled it.  I realized I had to have it.  So I went over to the cart, to “roasty-toasty (google it),” and got myself some popcorn.  There is something about Disney popcorn.  It is sprinkled with magic.  It has the right amount of salt and butter and it just tastes incredible.  And sitting there, on a bench in Town Square, sharing some popcorn with Amy, was a great way to end our vacation. 

  Psalm 34:8 says: “O taste and see that the Lord is good.”  The word “taste” here in the Hebrew means “to try something by experiencing it.”  In other words, this verse is an invitation to experience the goodness of God. To open our eyes to experience the goodness of God around us.  This goodness comes in the form of the grace and mercy offered us in Jesus Christ.  This goodness is in the love of God freely given to us.  This goodness is in the beauty of the creation all around us. 

  We spend a lot of time seeing the world through a lens of pain and suffering and negativity.  But the Lord invites us to see the world through a lens of goodness.  To tase and see that the Lord is good and to feast on the grace, mercy, and love offered to us by the Lord who gives us all things and brings us to eternal life.  Every day the Lord calls us to come to the popcorn cart and enjoy the yummy goodness that is offered to us.  This goodness that sustains us, lifts us up, and brings us up.  Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Experience the goodness of God every day. 

   May the Lord be with you today and always!

Trinity Tidings- Aug 4

Posted on: August 5th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

August 4th, 2024


Heart for the Luther Park, Sunday, August 4th, Noon. Auction is both online and in-person.  Go to for more details. 

Pie & Ice Cream Social August 18th, 10 am till 4 pm. Join us for hot beef and pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, pickles, homemade pie, and ice cream. Bring a friend and join us for lunch and a slice of pie – everyone is welcome!

We need your help! Check out the sign-ups in the Narthex for the Pie & Ice Cream Social!  We are looking for donations and workers for this annual Trinity tradition.  Everyone is needed for whatever time you can give! 

Float riders needed!  We are looking for riders of all ages!  Come join on at Noon on August 18th to ride the float in the big parade.  Youth get their own candy bag!  If you have a Hawaiian shirt, wear that.  PB also has some you can use as well!  Contact PB if you are interested and willing! 

It’s back to school time!! The WOT will be collecting items for our local schools and for kits to go to Lutheran World Relief. There are two different boxes set out for collection so make sure you put yours in the box you want your items to go to. The bags you take off the pews are the ones that go to Lutheran World Relief and each bag has a printed copy of all items needed to fill that bag. There are copies of items needed for our local schools on the display table by the kitchen. Thank you for helping us help others!

Luther Park Golf Outing, Sunday, August 25th, 12:30 pm, at Sioux Creek Golf Course, Chetek.  You can sign-up at or talk to PB.  Hole games, raffles, and more!  Come join PB in a fun afternoon of golf!

Lagers with the Lord August 26th, 6 pm at Buckshots


  The other day, the great song, “You’ve Got a Friend In Me,” popped into my head.  That song, of course, came from the movie “Toy Story,” and is a great song about friendship. I started to think about my awesome friends and how great they are and the fact that I’m also amazed that they hang out with me at all.  I thought about my really amazing wife Amy who somehow has endured me for 19 years.  Baxter is a smart enough dog to only really hang with me only when Amy isn’t around!  He is a smart dog. 

  And then a thought popped into my head: I wonder if Jesus would hang with me.  I wonder if Jesus would be my friend.  Of course, my first instinct was yes.  I bet that would be your first instinct as well.  We do say that Jesus is our friend.  But then I asked myself this question: why?  Why would Jesus be my friend?  Why would hang out with me?  Frankly, how we answer that question for ourselves is far trickier and can actually be very dangerous.  I believe there may be only one really acceptable answer, and it might not be the answer you think. 

  If we put that question out there into the world, to many Christians, asking them to give reasons of why Jesus would be their friend, why Jesus would want to hang out with them, this is what I believe is the only acceptable answer.  Because Jesus loves us.  Jesus is our friend because Jesus loves us.  Jesus loves us and that is why Jesus is our friend, that is why Jesus dies for us, that is why Jesus saves us.  Full stop.  That’s it.  I actually don’t think there can be any other reason. But then again, what do I know?  I’m not God. 

  However, I have a sneaky suspicion that many Christians have another answer.  They believe that Jesus would be their friend because they are faithful.  Or righteous.  Or morally perfect.  Or because of this of this choice or that choice. I think that is totally wrong.  The Gospels are full of examples of the fact that Jesus didn’t hang out with the religious elite, those considered righteous.  He hung out with the sinners.  His disciples included a tax collector, a denier, and the one who would betray him. Jesus went to the lepers, the lame, the blind, children, widows, the sick, the poor, and those who were outcast from society.  He was constantly getting criticized for the people he hung out with.  For his friends. 

  So maybe, just maybe, we might want to take a beat before we start making pronouncements about who Jesus would be friends with and who Jesus wouldn’t.  Who Jesus would hang out with and who Jesus wouldn’t.  Who Jesus would reject and who Jesus would accept.  Because once I start deciding who I think Jesus would be friends with, once I start deciding who is worthy of the love of God in Jesus Christ, I am no better than those who criticized Jesus for who he hung out with.  Once I start putting myself above others, thinking that I deserve the love of Jesus more than someone else, then I am no better than those who condemned Jesus to die. 

    After all, we are not God.  Judgement is God’s alone and not us.  The only I do know is this: I am a sinner.  I do not deserve the love of God in Jesus.  And yet, Jesus loves me anyways.  And I believe that Jesus loves my neighbor.  And my enemy.  And the person I disagree with most in the world.  It is not for me to decides who Jesus hangs out with.  But I do believe that Jesus is my friend through the witness of scripture.  And through that same witness, this same Jesus constantly goes to the people the rest of the world wants to throw away and forget, wants to shun and demean.  So maybe, just maybe, everybody has a friend in Jesus, whether we like it or not. 

  Just something to think about.  I know I do. 

   May God bless you today and always. 

Trinity Tidings- July 28

Posted on: July 29th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

July 28, 2024


Vacation Bible School is July 29-August 1st.  9 am till Noon for all 4 year olds through 6th graders.  Our theme this year is “Superheroes for God!”  Games, Crafts, Songs, and fun for all.  It is free this year

Heart for the Luther Park, Sunday, August 4th, Noon. Auction is both online and in-person.  Go to for more details. 

Pie & Ice Cream Social August 18th, 10 am till 4 pm. Join us for hot beef and pulled pork sandwiches, hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, pickles, homemade pie, and ice cream. Bring a friend and join us for lunch and a slice of pie – everyone is welcome!

We need your help! Check out the sign-ups in the Narthex for the Pie & Ice Cream Social!  We are looking for donations and workers for the this annual Trinity tradition.  Everyone is needed for whatever time you can give! 

The Women of Trinity are collecting for Personal Care kits during the month of July. You can bring any or all of the items needed to make a kit. These are the items needed: 1- light weight bath size towel, dark color preferred. Kits include: 2- bath size bar soap, 1- adult size toothbrush in original package, 1- sturdy comb, 1- metal nail clipper: attached file optional. Thank you for helping us help others!

Luther Park Golf Outing, Sunday, August 25th, 12:30 pm, at Sioux Creek Golf Course, Chetek.  You can sign-up at or talk to PB.  Hole games, raffles, and more!  Come join PB in a fun afternoon of golf!

Lagers with the Lord August 26th, 6 pm at Buckshots


  Every morning, as we get ready to eat breakfast, our dog Baxter jumps up on the chair and starts to shake.  I mean, really shake.  He looks like a crazy dog in need a fix.  And why is he shaking?  He wants his treat.  He knows he gets it right away, before I sit down with my breakfast (he gets his treat from Amy at the end of her breakfast).  But once he gets the treat, he settles down.  It reminds me of this verse from Psalm 145, “You open your hand, satisfying the desire of every living thing.”

  We have a Lord that provides for us.  And this Lord not only provides for us the material things of this life, but all of the other things that we need.  We are provided faith and hope.  Comfort and strength.  Forgiveness and grace.  All this given by a loving God who gives us everything.  Even better, this is given not because we have earned it but because we are loved. 

  Even better, we have a God who knows what we need.  What we are shaking for, like Baxter for his treat.  Of course, sometimes we aren’t even sure we know what we need.  But the Lord knows. The Lord knows what we need, how we need to be fed, the ways we need to be strengthened and encouraged and lifted up. 

  Sometimes we are like Baxter, craving to be fed by our Lord.  Sometimes we have no idea what we need.  But the Lord satisfies our desires.  Our God is there to give us blessings and provide for us.  Provide for you. Trust in the Lord who is there for you, showering you with blessing, forgiveness, grace, and salvation.  May the Lord bless you today and always. 

Trinity Tidings- July 10

Posted on: July 10th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

July 10, 2024


Lagers with the Lord July 22, 6 pm at Buckshots! Come join us for a time of faithful conversation.  All are welcome!

Vacation Bible School is July 29-August 1st.  9 am till Noon for all 4 year olds through 6th graders.  Our theme this year is “Superheroes for God!”  Games, Crafts, Songs, and fun for all.  It is free this year.  There are registration forms in the Good News and on the table in the Narthex. We need helpers to provide snacks, be extra hands for our kids, and to serve snacks in the kitchen.  Sign-up in the Narthex or contact the office if you are willing to help. 

Please pray for our 27 youth and 6 adults that will be at the ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans July 14th-21st! Pray for safe travels and for a wonderful experience as they grow in faith, serve the people of New Orleans, and meet others from all over the United States.

The Women of Trinity are collecting for Personal Care kits during the month of July. You can bring any or all of the items needed to make a kit. These are the items needed: 1- light weight bath size towel, dark color preferred. Kits include: 2- bath size bar soap, 1- adult size toothbrush in original package, 1- sturdy comb, 1- metal nail clipper: attached file optional. Thank you for helping us help others!


 Well, my sabbatical (dubbed the “Sabradical” by my friend Pastor Tim) is at an end and I would like to start with a couple of things.  First, I only entered the church one time and that was to print something and I never went into my office, only Andrea’s.  Second, I did a very good job of staying away from work not only because Amy threatened me with bodily harm (mostly kidding) but because I wanted to be true to what this time was supposed to be about.  When I did have to do something work related, it was 99% of the time related to the Youth Gathering and couldn’t be helped.  Third, I want to give massive thanks to Andrea for all she had to do in my absence, to all of the pastors who filled in for me, to our church staff for all the extra stuff they had to take on, to Sandy, Becky, Perry, Paige, and Marik for livestreaming the services, and for all of you who did such a wonderful job of honoring the sabbatical.  I’m very interested to see what is going to be on my desk when I walk this morning for the first time since June 8th.

  But I want to share three things I am taking away from my “sabradical” to share with all of you but before I do, I will share with you one overall arching theme.  I very much disliked it.  Here we go.

  1. The best thing about it was being home every night.  I can’t overstate that this.  Amy and I had some wonderful experiences with trips to Missouri and Door County and Milwaukee but the best thing was being home every night.  Having dinner together.  Watching shows together.  Hanging out together.  That can be a very rare thing for us, especially in the spring.  I bet in the run up to the sabbatical I maybe average being home two nights a week since early April. So to be home every night, hanging with Amy and Baxter, was an incredible gift and one that I cherished and something that I need to think about more in the future.  If the purpose of the sabbatical was to help me to get renewal, there is nothing that does it more than being able to be home at night with Amy.
  2. I enjoyed visiting other churches.  On the three Sundays we were in town I visited three different churches, heading up to Katie’s church in Lake Nebagamon (where a couple of Trinity members followed me and I scared Katie half to death), Zion in Woodville, and Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd in Eau Claire.  I have friends who pastor those churches and it was fun to see how other people do things but it was also fun to experience things as a random visitor and to get a different perspective. But it was also just nice to worship.  I enjoyed that opportunity a lot. 
  3. In the end, though, I really missed doing this job I love. I have felt like I have been gone for a year.  This time was a reminder that being a pastor is not just a job it is who I am.  I had no outlet for my energies, no place to put my thoughts, no structure to my day.  At one point I forgot what month it was.  I need structure and direction and didn’t really have it.  When I had an idea, Amy allowed me to put a quick note down but I couldn’t flesh it out.  I realized my max weeding before going crazy was 45 minutes.  Loved golfing but can’t do it all day. I missed talking to you all, of planning Bible studies and crafting sermons and visiting you in your homes.  I wondered how people were doing and thinking about what we might do in confirmation in September.  But in this I also learned that the church can survive without me.  Worship services happened.  Funerals happened.  Events happened.  All without me.  Which means that maybe, just maybe, I don’t need to worry quite so much about it all as well.  But the biggest lesson of all is that I will probably never do this again.  Ever. 

I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to try a “Sabradical.” I’m thankful for everyone that made it happen and for all the insights I might continue to learn from it as I continue to reflect from it.  But I’m most thankful that I get to go back into my office and get back to doing what I love and tonight I’m going to stand up and preach.  Hopefully I remember how to do this job!

  May God be with you today and always!

Trinity Tidings- June 2

Posted on: June 4th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

June 2,  2024


Lagers with the Lord June 3, 6 pm at Buckshot’s!

Women’s Spring Gathering is June 6th at 5pm. All women are welcome and encouraged to come!  Entertainment provided by the Boyceville High School Choir

The Women of Trinity will be highlighting baby care kits for June. If you are going to garage sales this summer these are some of the items we need: size 6-24 months – sleepers or gowns, cotton t-shirts, light jackets, sweaters or hooded sweatshirts, receiving blankets, dark colored hand towels and baby socks. We can also use Onsies, we cut them off to make t-shirts. You can pick up a list of what is needed on the table by the kitchen where the display is set up. Thank you for helping us help others! WE ARE LOOKING FOR 300 BARS OF SOAP! Fill the baby tub up on the Narthex with soap. 

Pastor Brad is going on sabbatical June 8th-July 9th. Please note that during this time he will be completely absent from the congregation and its ministry. He will not be returning calls, texts, or emails. You can find more information on his sabbatical in the Good News.

Sabbatical Contact List (June 8-July 9)

For all general needs or questions: Parish Manager Andrea McVeigh, 715-643-3821, during church office hours, Monday through Thursday, 9 am till 1 pm.

Need to get into the building or to have the building opened/closed? Trudie Chernak, Church Custodian, 715-643-2148 or Ted Litzkow, 715-702-1415

General questions or issues that may arise: Lenny Lange, Church Council President, 715-928-1172

Pastoral Emergencies: Pastor Judy Kincaid, 906-399-1387

Fellowship Servers Needed!  Please sign-up in the Narthex or contact the office.  Cheese, crackers, and coffee are provided.  You don’t need to provide anything more than that if you desire.  You may use anything not marked in the pantry. 

Vacation Bible School is July 29-August 1st.  9 am till Noon for all 4 year olds through 6th graders.  Our theme this year is “Superheroes for God!”  Games, Crafts, Songs, and fun for all.  It is free this year.  There are registration forms in the Good News and on the table in the Narthex.  We need helpers to provide snacks, be extra hands for our kids, and to serve snacks in the kitchen.  Sign-up in the Narthex or contact the office if you are willing to help. 


  “Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

  When I was in 8th grade, every student had to meet with the junior high guidance counselor before going into high school.  When I went to meet with her, she said the following phrase to me: “Brad, I hope that sometime in your life, you might take some time to stop and smell the roses.”  Well, these many years later, I’m about to take some time to stop and smell the roses, as I go on a 34-day sabbatical.  I actually never thought I would take a sabbatical.  Never in a million years, despite it being recommended.  Even as I have seen many of my friends take one or even two of them already in their ministry.

  Why?  I love my job.  And it isn’t even that.  I love work.  I love to work.  I love to be busy.  I love to run from one thing to another thing to another thing.  Amy loves to tease me that I come home from work to work some more.  Andrea can tell you that I sent all sorts of emails at all sorts of odd hours.  It is just who I am.  Even on vacation, I’m often working.  Filing away ideas for sermons, Bible studies, devotions.  Thinking about schedules, events, replying to emails.  What many people would consider to be unhealthy behavior.  What can I say?  I love to work. I got it from my parents who got it from their parents.  It is part of who I am.

   But I also know that there is a danger.  This amazing job and calling that I have can also be so consuming that it can swallow everything else in life.  It can drain a person physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically.  After 22 years, it is time to be still for a bit.  To unplug.  To smell the roses.  To do so before my body or my mind makes me do it.  Having some of the health issues I did in 2023 brought that need into focus.  I’m thankful for the support of Church Council and this congregation that is allowing me to take this opportunity to be still.  To stop and smell the roses, even if it is only for 34 days.  It doesn’t seem that long when I type it out but I guarantee you that to me it seems like a century.

  The question I have gotten asked a lot of is this: what are you going to do?  To be honest, my hope is not that much.  I’m going to celebrate my niece’s graduation in Illinois.  Amy and I are taking small trips to Missouri (I can’t wait to eat some Kansas City BBQ) and to Door County and Milwaukee.  I’m going to play a lot of golf and visit some friend’s churches for worship to be renewed spiritually.  But mostly, I hope to be still.  To enjoy, well, doing nothing for a bit.  To not think about the schedule or the next thing or worry about what the offering was or who I need to check in on or if I have a good idea for next week’s Facebook devotion or what the heck I’m going to preach on this upcoming Sunday.  To just be. 

  I think it is going to be great.  Or it might be awful.  Either way, I do know this: Jesus Christ is going to be there, as he always is, walking besides me as he walks besides you.  I have no doubt I will miss seeing all of you in church but I look forward to seeing you out in the community on walks with the dog or at Cenex getting gas.  Say hi when you see me.  But I’ll see you again inside Trinity on July 10th.  Until that day, remember this: Jesus loves you and is with you always.  And that it is ok sometimes to just be still.

   May God be with you today and always.