Trinity Tidings- Feb 11

Posted on: February 12th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

February 11, 2024


Lent Begins on Wednesday, February 14th.  Worship  is at Noon and at 6:30 pm.  February 14th is Ash Wednesday and features a Baked Potato Bar served by the Confirmation Youth for the meal at 5:30 pm.

Lent 2024: “Why Follow?” Holden Evening Prayer worship at 6:30 pm, Meal at 5:30 pm every Wednesday night starting on February 21st.

Belonging (February 21): Following Jesus together gives us a sense of belonging and community with one another. Matthew 4:18-22. Meal served by the Youth Gathering Youth.

Purpose (February 28): Following Jesus gives a purpose and direction to our lives in an increasingly complex and confusing world. Galatians 5:13. Meal served by the Men of Trinity Strength (March 6): Following Jesus gives us strength beyond just ourselves. Matthew 11:28 -30. Meal served by Church Council.

Hope: (March 13) Following Jesus gives us hope for the future and an assurance that God’s mercy is for us. Hebrews 11:1. Meal served by the Women of Trinity.

Grace: (March 20) Following Jesus allows us to live in God’s grace each day and to share that grace with others. Ephesians 2:8-9. Meal served by the Youth Gathering Youth.

Lagers with the Lord  February 19th, 6 pm, at Buckshot’s. 

Looking for an usher for March.  If you are willing, please contact PB.

We are looking for substitute crossing guards.  Looking for especially afternoon shifts, a few times a month.  Shift is from 3 pm till 4 pm.  Training and equipment provided.  If you are interested, contact PB. 


  Lent is often a time in which we give something up as an act of faithful discipline. Just as Christ gave his life for us, we give up meat, or booze, or cookies, or something else as a way to show our faith and acknowledge what Christ has done for us. Or, like me, I like to take something up, like eating vegetables or working out more or reading the Bible every day. But here is a new idea, one that comes from my wife Amy from a friend of hers. 40 days of giving. Instead of giving something up or taking something up, you give something every day for a charity.

   Maybe it is a tube of toothpaste, a canned good, or some socks. Maybe it is a financial donation to a charity of choice. Maybe it is giving an hour or two of your time to volunteer, whether it be at church, or for an organization in the community, or for your neighbor down the street. Whatever it is, you give something for the sake of something else.

  After all, giving is part of the traditional Lenten discipline, along with fasting and prayer. You can bring any items to the church and we will distribute them to Mission Partners that can use them. One thing that we will be hoping to collect when we head to New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Gathering for our mission partners there are cooling towels. These will be given out to the homeless and to the needy to help with the extreme heat that occurs in New Orleans. That can be an item you give as part of your 40 Days of Giving. You could designate a gift to a ministry of Trinity, like our Missions, our Youth Gathering Youth, or the General Fund.  Whether you participate or not, I hope that Lent is a time in which you grow in your faith and in your commitment to Jesus Christ. May God bless you today and always!