Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Trinity Tidings- Jan 7

Posted on: January 7th, 2025 by Brad Peterson

January 7, 2024


Last Day to bring items for the Savers Fundrive is Wednesday, January 8th!  We are looking for help to load on Thursday, January 9th, at 9 am if you are able. 

First Communion Class this Sunday, January 12th, WILL NOW BE AT 6:30 PM (WAS PREVIOUSLY AT 6 PM)  Class is for all youth 3rd grade and above who have not been previously instructed.  Please bring a Bible.  Parents should attend with their child.  Make up class is January 26th at 10:30 am.  First Communion Sunday is February 2nd.

Crew January 15th, 3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th grade youth.

Voices of Praise every Wednesday night at 7 pm!  Come join us for a time of song.  A great time to sing with others and have some fun!

Lagers with the Lord, Monday, January 20th, 6 pm, Buckshot’s

We are collecting Cereal for the WestCAP food pantry in January!  Bring your boxes and place them by the altar in the Narthex.

Trintiy Lutheran Annual Meeting is on Sunday, February 2nd, at 10 am.    Annual reports will be available on Sunday, January 19th



First Reading:  Jeremiah 31:7-14

For thus says the Lord: Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and raise shouts for the chief of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, “Save, O Lord, your people, the remnant of Israel.” See, I am going to bring them from the land of the north, and gather them from the farthest parts of the earth, among them the blind and the lame, those with child and those in labor, together; a great company, they shall return here. With weeping they shall come, and with consolations I will lead them back, I will let them walk by brooks of water, in a straight path in which they shall not stumble; for I have become a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, and declare it in the coastlands far away; say, “He who scattered Israel will gather him, and will keep him as a shepherd a flock.” For the Lord has ransomed Jacob, and has redeemed him from hands too strong for him. They shall come and sing aloud on the height of Zion, and they shall be radiant over the goodness of the Lord, over the grain, the wine, and the oil, and over the young of the flock and the herd; their life shall become like a watered garden, and they shall never languish again. Then shall the young women rejoice in the dance, and the young men and the old shall be merry. I will turn their mourning into joy, I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow. I will give the priests their fill of fatness, and my people shall be satisfied with my bounty, says the Lord.

*Holy Gospel: John 1:1-18

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (John testified to him and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks ahead of me because he was before me.’”) From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen

Well, today, it mercifully comes to an end. What might that be, you might ask?  The Chicago Bears football season.  It will end with their 11th straight loss in a row, as the Packers will beat them today for the 12th straight time.  . What started out with a season of promise has gone into the proverbial toilet.  Before the season started there was a lot of hope.  Two top ten picks, a great end to last year, a good defense, some good signings.  And things started great overall. We were 4-2 and just a few seconds from 5-2.  Then, a Hail Mary happened, and the entire season went down the tubes.  We lost so many close games. We fired our offensive coordinator and then our head coach.  And those firings didn’t make things better, we have actually gotten worse.  It has been bad.  Hopeless even.

  The people who first heard these words from the prophet Jeremiah today had it bad.  Hopeless even.  Jerusalem has been destroyed.  The people of Israel are scattered, and many are in exile.  They mourn the loss of their country, their homes, their place of worship.  Even their trust in God, who they blame for everything.  Yet, here is a vision of hope.  God will restore them.  God will lead them back.  God will redeem them, they will sing for joy, they will have feast, they will have comfort and gladness.  It is a promise, a promise of hope, of new life, and restoration and goodness for people who have had it bad.  It is a promise for us.

  We have this same promise that comes in the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ, the light that shines in the darkness.  For at times it feels like our world has been destroyed and we have been scattered into exile by sin, pain, and suffering.  We are in mourning and languish in hurt, but we have a God who has sent his only Son, full of grace and truth, to come in the flesh to us, to give us new life.  To give us the victory over sin and death, to restore us.  Sometimes in life it feels like we are on a ten-game losing streak and it will never end.  But in Jesus Christ, we have the final victory.  In Jesus Christ, who dies on a cross and rises from the dead for us, we have the promise of eternal life.  In Jesus Christ, we can rejoice for we are children of God, who gives us a feast of strength, hope, and love. 

  This is the promise we have in Word made flesh, Jesus Christ.  Just as I believe that someday the Bears might win again and even beat the Packers, I trust, even in the darkest of times, that the light of the world shines on me.  That light shines on you today and you are have the final victory through the word made flesh, the Son of God, who is full of grace and truth and gives that grace to you every day.  For that we can say, “Thanks be to God!”  Amen

Trinity Tidings- Dec 22

Posted on: December 23rd, 2024 by Brad Peterson

December 22nd, 2024


Christmas Eve Worship: 2 pm, 4:30 pm, 9 pm  All services have special music, Candlelight portion, and Holy Communion.  2 pm and 4:30 pm will have a children’s sermon.  Come worship the Newborn King!

NO Wednesday worship December 25th or January 1st.

Office closed December 25th-27th

No Bible Study December 23rd or 30th.

No Voices of Praise till January 8th.

No Sunday School till January 5th.


In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:8

  This will be the last “Musings” for 2024 and I want to thank you for reading and for those of you who share these crazy thoughts of mine with others.  And I had a crazy thought pop into my head the other day as I thought about the story of Jesus birth.  It is related to the verse above.  We got the shepherds in the field, taking care of their sheep, as good shepherds do.  Then those angels show up.  Tell those shepherds about the birth of Jesus. And those shepherds go running into Bethlehem to see this baby. So my question is this: WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SHEEP?  Because though we see sheep in our nativity scenes, those shepherds didn’t bring the whole herd with them.  Impossible.  So what did they do with them?

  Did they leave one shepherd behind to watch them?  If they did, I feel bad for that guy. He got to see the angels, hear the good news, but then didn’t get to witness the baby.  That would suck.  But it would make sense.  I mean, good shepherds wouldn’t leave the sheep unattended. 

  Did they call up another shepherd?  Like, “Hey, Jonah, over there, can you come watch our sheep?  We just had an angel show up and tell us the Messiah was born and a whole choir of angels sang to us and we need to run into Bethlehem to check out this newborn king. You would really be doing us a solid and we will totally be there to help you out the next time you got a stray sheep or something. Thanks!”  Did that happen?

  Did they just leave them?  I mean, sheep aren’t the brightest creatures on planet earth.  It is not like they are going to just say, “Alright little sheep, just stay right here why we leave you to go check out a baby” and those sheep would just stay right there.  They are going to wander.  They are going to scatter.  Who knows what is going to happen to them.  Those shepherds are going to come back and they might get fired for losing those sheep.  Or, in the best case scenario, at least have a ton of work trying to get them all rounded up.

  Maybe they angels watched them.  The shepherds left and maybe those angels just made sure those sheep stayed right there.  We can’t rule it out, but don’t you think angels have more important things to do than babysitting some sheep?  They got more songs to sing and messages to bring.  But anything is possible.

  Either way, I do know this: those shepherds were so excited for what they had heard, they took off, and I’d like to think that no matter, those sheep were taken care of.  After all, we have a God who takes care of us, which is why Jesus is born for us.  I think that no matter what, those shepherds found those sheep safe and sound, despite the negligence of the shepherds. God would have made sure of it. Because that is what God does: loves us and cares for us.  No matter what.    May you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Trinity Tidings- Dec 8

Posted on: December 9th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

December 8th, 2024


Lefse Making!  Come be part of the annual Trinity Tradition!  Everyone of all ages and abilities can help! 

Wednesday, December 11th, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then 11:30 am till we are done for the day.

Thursday, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then till we are done. 

Come for an hour or stay all day! 

Lefse Pre-orders!  Order your lefse today to guarantee you get this delicious treat!  3 pieces for $5.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office.

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!

We are looking for items for the Silent Auction!  Help our youth go to St. Louis for their 2025 Mission Trip!  Bring in new items or craft items by Friday, December 13th, for the Silent Auction. 

Spirit of Christmas, Saturday, December 14th.  Lefse/Bake Sale 9 am till 2pm.  Silent Auction 9 am till 3 pm.  Homemade Soup Lunch 11 am till 2 pm. 

Men’s Band Christmas Concert, December 15th, 6 pm. Soup & Salad Lunch served by the Women of Trinity at 5 pm. 

Christmas Carol by Request Service, December 15th, 9 am.

Lagers with the Lord, December 16th, 6 pm at Buckshot’s. 

Crew on Wednesday, December 18th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders! 

Spaghetti Meal on December 18th, 5 pm till 6:30 pm and the Crew kids will sing in church at 6:30 pm!

Sunday School Christmas Program, Sunday, December 22nd, 9 am.

Christmas Eve Worship: 2 pm, 4:30 pm, 9 pm  All services have special music, Candlelight portion, and Holy Communion.  2 pm and 4:30 pm will have a children’s sermon.  Come worship the Newborn King!


  This week is Spirit of Christmas week here in Boyceville which means that it is Lefse Week here at Trinity and there is a lot going on!  And for many of you who just skim by the announcements above, here are is rundown of what is going on so that you can be a part of it.  Because it is a great week to come together as a community and a church.

   Lefse making is Wednesday and Thursday, December 11th and 12th, starting at 7 am.  On Wednesday, in the morning we start with peeling, cooking, and mixing till 11:30 am when we stop for a potluck lunch.  After lunch, we start rolling and frying into the afternoon.  Thursday we continue with that, along with packing, until we are done. Plus, another potluck! There is a job for every person and every ability.  They can train everyone (because they even trained me).  If you can give an hour, we can use you.  If you can go all day, that is awesome as well!  We appreciate all of your help.  There are many laughs and lots of fun and lots of food! 

   Friday you can bring your bake sale items in and a couple of things to remember for the bake sale.  PLEASE DO NOT PRICE YOUR BAKE SALE ITEMS.  The ladies running the bake sale will price them for you, so no need to sit and worry what you should put on something.  They will take care of it for you.  The church will be open starting at 6:30 am and, if history holds, PB will be here until at least 8 pm so there should be plenty of time for you to stop those items off. 

  The other important thing to know this year for the bake sale is THERE WILL BE NO SALE OF BAKE SALE ITEMS BEFORE 9 AM ON SATURDAY.  So if you have, over the years, brought your items in and then taken that opportunity to load up on buying stuff, we are going to respectfully ask that you wait till Saturday morning.  The only exception will be for those who have pre-ordered lefse.  You can pick up that pre-ordered lefse, but only that pre-ordered lefse.  We appreciate your understanding. So come on Saturday between 9 am and 2 pm for the Bake Sale to get all those goodies!

  The annual Silent Auction is also on Saturday to support our youth going to St. Louis for their Mission Trip this summer.  This is our major fundraiser for the trip.  If you have items to bring for the Silent Auction, please bring them no later than Friday at 5 pm, otherwise they may be used the next year.  Bids will close on Saturday at 3 pm.  The Mission Trip Youth are also serving a homemade soup lunch from 11 am till 2 pm so we hope you will stop by for that and it is free-will offering.

  Also, on Saturday, there is the Live Nativity sponsored by the Boyceville Ministerial Association.  Your intrepid pastor is making his Live Nativity acting debut after 20 years of helping to run it as a camel due to your Mission Madness donations!  It will be at 4:30 pm by the library, then stick around for the tree lighting, the parade, and all the other activities going on downtown.  There is a chili feed at the Boyceville Ambulance Service from 4 till 7 pm as well. 

  Last, but not least, on Sunday the 15th the Men’s Band is having our annual Christmas concert at 6 pm.  We have a couple of new songs and a lots of old favorites.  The Women of Trinity are serving a Soup and Salad meal at 5 pm prior to the concert.  So join us for a great night of food and music! 

  I hope to see you here at Trinity during Spirit of Christmas week, whether helping with lefse, bidding on Silent Auction items, grabbing some delicious baked goods, or enjoying the Live Nativity or Men’s Band concert.  It will be a time of celebrating the season and the chance to come together as community and church.  May God bless you today and always!

Trinity Tidings- Dec 1

Posted on: December 2nd, 2024 by Brad Peterson

December 1st, 2024


Crew on Wednesday, December 4th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

Sunday School Christmas Program practice starts on Sunday, December 1st at 9:45 am!

Women of Trinity Winter Gathering December 7th at 9 am!

Lefse Making!  Come be part of the annual Trinity Tradition!  Everyone of all ages and abilities can help! 

Wednesday, December 11th, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then 11:30 am till we are done for the day.

Thursday, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then till we are done. 

Come for an hour or stay all day! 

Lefse Pre-orders!  Order your lefse today to guarantee you get this delicious treat!  3 pieces for $5.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office.

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!

Join the Men’s Band at Knapp United Methodist Church on Saturday, December 7th, at 6 pm

We are looking for items for the Silent Auction!  Help our youth go to St. Louis for their 2025 Mission Trip!  Bring in new items or craft items by Friday, December 13th, for the Silent Auction. 

Spirit of Christmas, Saturday, December 14th.  Lefse/Bake Sale 9 am till 2pm.  Silent Auction 9 am till 3 pm.  Homemade Soup Lunch 11 am till 2 pm. 


  Recently, Amy and I completed a quest.  It was an important quest, one that we started at the beginning of the year and had the goal of finishing before Thanksgiving.  We were diligent at it, completing tasks for it during the week, on the weekend, at all times of the year.  And when we were done, completing it on Monday night, there was a sense of satisfaction, of a job well done, of having a goal and seeing it through to completion.  What was this goal, you may wonder?  It was to watch all of the Walt Disney Animation Studio films in release order.  And we did. (There are no Pixar movies in here.  We are starting that quest in 2025). 

  We started with “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” and we ended with “Wish” in time for us to see the newest one, “Moana 2,” in theaters on Wednesday night.  (Aside: Moana 2 was decent.  Love the story.  Animation was spot on as to be expected.  What wasn’t as good as the music.  Loved one song.  Another song was ok.  All the others just fell flat on me.  But that is just one man’s humble opinion).  We got to appreciate revered classics, surprised some that we had dismissed over the years, saw ones we had never seen before, and slogged through some duds. Doing this reminded me of the time I read through the entire Bible in one year: there were some highs, some lows, but glad I did it overall.  Here are some thoughts below:

   My favorites really haven’t changed.  “The Little Mermaid” is still my favorite of all the Disney animated movies.  (There will be a list below).  But I grew in appreciation for the classics.  Things like Snow White, Bambi, Cinderella, Pinocchio.  Just the amazing artistry that went into these films and realizing when they were made is just amazing.  I know it won’t really happen again, but I would love for them to do another full hand drawn movie, like they did with “Princess in the Frog.”

  There were some real dark days for Disney Animation Studio’s there in the late 70’s till mid 80’s.  Some of those movies were better than I thought they would be, but I can see why there was a chance the studio was going to shut down.  It is a reminder that story always matters and sometimes you can’t just do things on the cheap. Same goes for the early 2000’s. 

  Lastly, I do like that they sometimes take chances.  Some of my surprises are movies that did something different or they took a risk.  Also, the great ones don’t shy away from a little darkness and danger.  Many of the classics have some really scary and dark moments in them, moments that really could scare a child.  But life can be scary.  Showing how to get through those scary moments is also important too.

  Alright, here are some lists and rankings because I know you all care a ton:

My Top Ten Disney Animated Movies

  1. The Little Mermaid- the best.  Will always be the best. 
  2. Aladdin-may have the best soundtrack of any Disney movie ever. Plus, the Genie?  C’mon. 
  3. The Jungle Book-my favorite of the classic era.  Just so much fun and I always think of myself as Baloo
  4. Tangled-has some of the best lines that Amy and I say to each other all the time.  “You broke my smolder.”
  5. Beauty and the Beast-there is a reason it was nominated for Best Picture.
  6. Cinderella-beautiful animation and my second favorite from the classic period. 
  7. Mulan: this movie always seems incredibly underrated.  Could even be underrated on this list.
  8. Frozen: This movie takes some swings and that is what makes it work, besides incredible music.
  9. Moana: the music in this movie just makes it soar.  And the story is good too.
  10. Encanto: really fun and I enjoy all the gags from the house and some of the songs later in the movie are really moving. 

Honorable Mentions: Raya and the Last Dragon & Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs

Amy’s Top Ten

1. Tangled

2. Cinderella

3. Aladdin

4. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

5. Beauty and the Beast

6. Emperor’s New Groove

7. The Little Mermaid

8. Hercules

9. Frozen

10.  Mulan

Honorable Mentions: Sleeping Beauty & Aristocats. She also wanted to mention the Goofy Movie, which came from Walt Disney Television Animation, but we also watched for this endeavor. 

Movie that should be on Brad’s, but I have hard time ranking: The Lion King.  Look, it is a stone cold classic.  No doubt.  Just an absolute banger.  But I have very complicated feelings about this movie.  It came out a year after my Dad died and when Mufasa dies, I absolutely lost it in the theater.  It is always tied to that emotion and so, because of that, I have a hard time watching it. 

My Top 5 Least Favorite

  1. The Black Cauldon:  I mean, this thing is just inexplicable.  Some fun animation but the story makes no sense and there was a reason it almost ended the Studio.
  2. Chicken Little. As I watched this movie, I just kept asking myself this question: why?
  3. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977) & Winnie the Pooh (2011): Fun fact: I really dislike Winnie the Pooh.  You know what Winnie the Pooh is?  Poo
  4. Home on the Range: One I had never seen.  One I never need to see again.
  5. Alice in Wonderland: Look, I know it is beloved.  One of Amy’s favorite rides at Disneyland.  But as a movie, especially in the midst of the classics that are around it?  It is a miss for me. 

Top Five Surprises (ie, movies I thought I would hate that I really liked in the end)

  1. Treasure Planet: I remember seeing this in the theater and hating it.  It was pretty fun on rewatch!  Give it a shot! 
  2. The Rescuers: Also one I had never seen. Was also pretty fun.  The sequel isn’t as good (The Rescuers Down Under), but this was good.
  3. One Hundred and One Dalmatians: I also had never seen this, though I knew the story.  Was also really fun and the animation is really crazy and awesome.  Cruella is an all time baddie.
  4. Atlantis: the Lost Empire: Another one I saw in the theater and disliked but liked a lot on rewatch.  Again, Disney doing something different.  
  5. Robin Hood: I like the music in this one and the whimsy is just really fun.   

So, there you go.  Hope this gives you some ideas of ones to try (they can all be found on Disney+) and maybe some ones to avoid.  Maybe you think I’m crazy (Amy sure has some problems with my list!)  Either way, it was a fun quest.  Have a great week!

Trinity Tidings- Nov 24

Posted on: December 2nd, 2024 by Brad Peterson

November 24th, 2024


No Sunday School on November 24th.

Help us decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, November 24th, after the worship service!

No Wednesday worship on November 27th.

Office Closed November 28th and 29th.

Crew on Wednesday, December 4th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

Sunday School Christmas Program practice starts on Sunday, December 1st at 9:45 am!

Women of Trinity Winter Gathering December 7th at 9 am!

Lefse Making!  Come be part of the annual Trinity Tradition!  Everyone of all ages and abilities can help! 

Wednesday, December 11th, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then 11:30 am till we are done for the day.

Thursday, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then till we are done. 

Come for an hour or stay all day! 

Lefse Pre-orders!  Order your lefse today to guarantee you get this delicious treat!  3 pieces for $5.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office.

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!


“When I thought, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.” Psalm 94:18

   The other day I was walking in my kitchen when I slipped on my floor and I was going to go down in a heap.  But, since my kitchen is incredibly small, I was able to grab onto a counter and stop myself, which was good, because I would have fallen hard!  Who knows what might have happened if I had fallen.  I could have broken something, sprained something, or even worse.  It was a good thing I had something to grab onto to stop my fall.

  As I was looking through the Psalms, I ran into this verse and thought about that moment.  Sometimes in life we are walking along and we slip.  Metaphorically, that is.  We feel like we are falling.  We think we are going to crash into a heap onto the floor.  Hard.  But the good news for us is that our Lord is there hold us up.  Because our Lord loves us.  Loves us no matter what and because of that love, our Lord is always there for us.  Even when we think we are alone.  Even when we feel we are slipping and falling.  It is our Lord that reaches out and grabs us.  Hold us.  Picks us up. 

   In life, we slip.  We can’t help it.  We slip because of grief, hurt, anxiety, mistakes, doubt, fear, a thousand reasons.  But when we slip, we don’t totally fall because we have a loving Lord who is there for us.  A Savior in Jesus Christ who promises to be with us always.  To be there to hold us up when we need it, to be our foundation when we feel like we have none, and to reach out and be our salvation.  Trust that the Lord is with you always. 

Trinity Tidings- Nov 17

Posted on: November 18th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

November 17th, 2024


Community Thanksgiving Service TONIGIHT, November 17th, 6:00 pm.

Deer Hunter’s Worship, Wednesday, November 20th, 6:30 pm.  Wear your blaze orange and camo

No Sunday School on November 24th.

Help us decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, November 24th, after the worship service!

No Wednesday worship on November 27th.

Office Closed November 28th and 29th.

Crew on Wednesday, December 4th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

Sunday School Christmas Program practice starts on Sunday, December 1st at 9:45 am!

Lefse Making!  Come be part of the annual Trinity Tradition!  Everyone of all ages and abilities can help! 

Wednesday, December 11th, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then 11:30 am till we are done for the day.

Thursday, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then till we are done. 

Come for an hour or stay all day! 

Lefse Pre-orders!  Order your lefse today to guarantee you get this delicious treat!  3 pieces for $5.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office.

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!


  At Crew, two of the kids favorite games is Hide & Go Seek and Pew Battleship.  The first one is pretty self-explanatory.  The second is where the kids lay down in the pews and another kid is up front, with their back to the church, and they call out a pew based on section and row number, like you do in the game Battleship.  If a kid is in that pew, it is a “hit.” If not, it is a “miss” and the caller gets three misses before we switch it up and choose a new caller.  Got it? 

   Both of these games get kids that are chosen, either to be seekers or callers and I cannot tell you the pressure there is to choose the kids.  They run up to me, “Can I be a seeker?  Can be a caller?  I’ve never been chosen!  I never get to do it!”  It got so bad last year that we had to come up with a solution, and I think it was Nichole Roemhild who came up with it.  We wrote all the kids names down on piece of paper and put it in a bucket and drew them out.  That way, everyone got a chance and I didn’t get a thousand kids rushing up to me between every game asking me if they could be selected.  Of course, they still do this, despite the bucket, but not quite as bad.

   It feels good to be chosen, to be picked, to be the one.  It gives validation, makes you feel important, makes you feel like someone has noticed you and wants you.  So often in life we feel rejected, cast aside, pushed to the edges, forgotten.  Being chosen means being noticed.  It is why I like this verse from John 15, “You did not choose me but I chose you.”  Jesus says this to us.  You did not choose me but I chose you.  How does it feel to know that Jesus chose you?  We often feel like we choose Jesus but it is the other way around.  Jesus comes to us.  Selects you.  Despite your sin and your flaws.  Calls you friend, brother or sister.  Calls you to be a disciple not because you are perfect but because you are loved, valued, and an important child of God.

  Even more so, as the verse goes, Jesus has chosen you for a job.  “And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last.”  We are chosen not only because we are loved but because Jesus trusts us to go bear fruit in his name.  To spread his love, shared his Gospel, care for the neighbor and lift up the needy, the hurting, and to let those who feel alone that they are not.  They are not forgotten.  They are chosen.  Just like us.  Just like you. 

  You are chosen, my friends, chosen by a Savior who calls you friend and who has given his life for you.  You are loved, forgiven, saved, and sent to go bear fruit in Jesus’ name.  Most importantly, you are not alone, not ever.  May you know how important you are in the eyes of the God who has sent his only Son to bring you to eternal life and to walk with you every day.  For that we can say, “Thanks be to God!” Amen.

Trinity Tidings-Nov 11

Posted on: November 11th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

November 11th, 2024


Crew on Wednesday, November 13th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

Community Thanksgiving Service, Sunday, November 17th, 6 pm.

Deer Hunter’s Worship, Wednesday, November 20th, 6:30 pm.  Wear your blaze orange and camo

Join us this Sunday, November 17,  as Bishop Martin Halom joins us for worship!  Bishop Martin will be hitting Pastor Brad with a pie after worship as part of Mission Madness.  He is also a big Packer fan so where your Packer gear before the Bears-Packers game!  Bishop Halom was elected the Bishop of our Synod this past June and him and Pastor Brad are good

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!

MISSION MADNESS 2024: TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED IS $5,031!!: We doubled our initial top goal!  Thank you everyone for your generosity!  Check out the Trinity Facebook page for pictures (and below) of PB wearing Packer gear and getting hit with silly string.


Ever since I preached about having a feast and what I wanted at that feast, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the food at that feast and I decided I wanted to have a little bit of fun.  So here is my feast menu with the specific items I would have.  I would love for you to think about what you would have at your feast and the specific versions of the food that you would have.

Rules: five foods and a dessert.  One beverage.

I’m going to pick a first choice and then an alternate.  Why?  Because I can!

Here we go.  PB’s feast that he hopes God prepares for him in heaven. 

  1. Bacon.  First Choice: Sailer’s in Elmwood.  The best forever and always.  Second choice:  Louie’s in Cumberland.  Very good but just not as good as Sailer’s. 
  2. Ribs:  First Choice: Joe’s Kansas City, Kansas City, MO.  The best I have ever had, and since it seems wrong to choose the ones I make myself, I’m going with these.  Second Choice: Morimoto Asia, Disney Springs, Orlando, FL.  These ribs are so good.  I haven’t been able to recreate them but maybe some day.
  3.   Fried Chicken: Art Smith’s Homecoming, Disney Springs, Orlando, FL. I keep thinking something is going to knock these off, but they are just the best.  Juicy, incredible batter, never disappoints. You can get versions of these at any Art Smith restaurant.  Second Choice: Dooky Chase’s, New Orleans.  I couldn’t wait to eat here at the Youth Gathering and it did not disappoint.  I recreated this and it was also good (but not as good since I don’t have a deep fryer).  Spicier and packed with flavor. 
  4. Popcorn: Alamo Drafthouse, any location, but we go to the one in Woodbury.  They have the best movie theater popcorn ever.  Lots of butter.  Plus you can ask for your own salt shaker and I don’t have to bring my own.  Second choice: Disney popcorn, any Disney park in the world.  Just magical. It just is. 
  5. Amy’s Thanksgiving Stuffing from the bird. Boyceville, WI.  The best stuffing ever.  Packed with flavor.  No need to really eat anything else to be honest.  I would eat it all if she would let me but she insists that she gets to have some.  Second choice: Amy’s Thanksgiving stuffing that isn’t in the bird, Boyceville, WI.  Yes, she makes two batches, and this is almost as good as the first but not quite.  Again, she makes me share.  So mean.

Dessert: Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream.  I don’t have a favorite brand.  I just love it.  Last time I got it was Edy’s.  Second Choice: Chocolate Chip Cookie. You can never go wrong with a good Chocolate Chip Cookie. 

Beverage: Beorn Old Fashioned, O’Shaugnessy Distilling Co, Minneapolis, MN.  They filter the whiskey through burnt honey.  Delicious, perfect, and smooth.  So very good. Second Choice: Classic Bourbon Old Fashioned, Bryant’s, Milwaukee, WI.  When they made this for me, I almost cried. 

Non-Alcoholic Beverage: Just a nice root beer on ice.  Barq’s is my favorite.  Lucette’s makes a nice one as well. 

Hope this made you hungry!  Notice there isn’t anything healthy on here because why should there be! 


Here are two pictures of PB doing Mission Madness things this week.

Look.  I’m so excited.

     I think kids take pleasure in attacking me!

Trinity Tidings- Nov 3

Posted on: November 4th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

November 3rd, 2024


Lagers with Lord is Monday, November 4th, at 6 pm at Buckshot’s! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

High School Lock-In, Saturday, November 9th, 6 pm till Sunday, November 10th, 7 am.  Scavenger Hunt, Games, Movies, and more!  Friends welcome!  Need to leave early for work?  No problem!  Just let PB know.  Sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.  Staffed by Luther Park Bible Camp.   PLEASE LET PB KNOW IF YOU MIGHT BE COMING BY WEDNESDAY NIGHT OR HE MAY CANCEL

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!

Crew on Wednesday, November 13th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

MISSION MADNESS 2024: October 6-November 10th: ALL GOALS HAVE BEEN MET AFTER AN AMAZING SUNDAY!  This Sunday alone we raised $3,076!!  Our total raised is $4,786!!!!!!!!

Here are the goals:

$500  PB has to wear a Star Trek shirt (reminder: PB doesn’t like Star Trek). THIS WILL BE DONE ON MONDAY.

$1,000 PB eats a serving size of Mayonnaise. 50 Time & Talent sheets GOAL MET! COMPLETED

$1,500 PB gets attacked with silly string by kids in the congregation. HAPPENING ON NOVEMBER 10

$2,000 PB wears a full Packers outfit at the November Synod Gathering.  HAPPENING ON NOVEMBER 7TH

$2,500 PB gets hit in the face with a pie by the Bishop Martin Halom on November 17th.  HAPPENING ON NOVEMBER 17TH!

Community Thanksgiving Service, Sunday, November 17th, 6 pm.

Deer Hunter’s Worship, Wednesday, November 20th, 6:30 pm.  Wear your blaze orange and camo!

Thank you to everyone who helped at the Potato Pancake Meal!


  SOMETIMES YOU JUST LIKE SERMONS.  I LIKED THIS ONE SO I DECIDED TO SHARE IT HERE, EVEN THOUGH IT DID NOT COME OUT EXACTLY THIS WAY IN WORSHIP.  If you want that version, go to the Trinity Lutheran YouTube page or the Facebook page to see that version. 

Isaiah 25:6-9

On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines, of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear. And he will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples, the sheet that is spread over all nations; he will swallow up death forever. Then the Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces, and the disgrace of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken. It will be said on that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, so that he might save us. This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen

Imagine you receive an invitation in the mail.  It is an invitation to a party, and when you arrive to that party you realize that this party is for you.  On the food table is an absolute smorgasbord of your favorite foods.  So, if it was me, you got bacon, friend chicken, ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs with all the fixings, popcorn, my wife’s stuffing she makes at Thanksgiving, peanut butter ice cream. All my favorites and more.  Just spread out and all I can eat and eat and eat.  A feast if you will.  This is the image that is presented for us here in Isaiah, a vision of the future of what God will provide for us.  A feast, showing an image of the abundance of what God will provide.  Think about the feast that God would provide for you, what food would be on the table, that you could enjoy, signs of God’s love for you.  Notice that in this image everyone is invited, which means you are invited.  All are welcome to the feast. 

But notice something else.  The Lord, the king, isn’t feasting on the food.  Rather, the Lord is feasting on something else.  The Lord isn’t swallowing food.  The Lord is swallowing tears.  He is swallowing disgrace.  He is swallowing death itself.  The Lord is feasting on the shroud of grief and pain that covers the people so that they can not only feast but see that they are saved, and that they are no longer covered in pain and suffering but have salvation, that they are no longer separated from God but united with him.

This swallowing up, this destruction of death itself, has been done by Jesus Christ on the cross for you.  We see that same language used in our Revelation reading, as God wipes away tears and death and crying and pain will be no more.  Jesus Christ comes to save us, to destroy death and the shroud that it has over us.  For we carry that shroud of grief, of hopelessness, of pain and suffering with us every day.  But through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, we have a new future, a new beginning, new life, for we have this promise that is set before us.  Our tears our wiped away and a feast is set before us, of food that feeds us, food of hope and grace, mercy and joy, of tears that are wiped away, of knowing that we have eternal life in Jesus Christ and that death has no power for we have eternal life and that we have a place prepared for us in glory.

Even more, we have a Savior who knows the pain of that shroud and the sting of those tears, who has cried over the loss of friends and has compassion upon us.  And this Jesus invites us every day to a feast of new life, for he swallows up our pain and suffering and grief and sets before us hope and salvation and resurrection.  For that we can say, “Thanks be to God!”  Amen

Trinity Tidings- Oct 28

Posted on: October 28th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

October 28th, 2024


Men’s Band Worship Sunday, November 3rd, 9 am.

Potato Pancake Feed, Sunday, November 3rd, 10 am till 11:30 am.  Potato Pancakes, Kielbasa Sausage, Apple Sauce, Bars, Beverage.  This year we are featuring TWO kinds of Potato Pancakes, our traditional Scandanvian style and now German style.  Free-will offering taken to benefit Trinity Missions.  

Lagers with Lord is Monday, November 4th, at 6 pm at Buckshot’s! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!

Crew on Wednesday, October 30th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

MISSION MADNESS 2024: October 6-November 10th: The annual tradition continues as we raise money for our Mission Partners and PB does embarrassing or weird things.  Just designate your offering to either Mission Madness or to a specific mission partner like Luther Park or West CAP as an example.  As a twist this year, if a certain number of Time & Talent sheets get turned in, since part of our Mission is using our gifts for God’s glory, that will also fulfill some Mission Madness goals.

Here are the goals:

$500  PB has to wear a Star Trek shirt (reminder: PB doesn’t like Star Trek). 25 Time & Talent sheets GOAL MET!  PB WILL WEAR THIS IN THE FUTURE!  CHECK OUT THE TRINITY FACEBOOK PAGE FOR PICTURES

$1,000 PB eats a serving size of Mayonnaise. 50 Time & Talent sheets GOAL MET! PB will do this after worship on NOVEMBER 3

$1,500 PB gets attacked with silly string by kids in the congregation.

$2,000 PB wears a full Packers outfit at the November Synod Gathering. 

$2,500 PB gets hit in the face with a pie by the Bishop Martin Halom on November 17th




High School Lock-In, Saturday, November 9th, 6 pm till Sunday, November 10th, 7 am.  Scavenger Hunt, Games, Movies, and more!  Friends welcome!  Need to leave early for work?  No problem!  Just let PB know.  Sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.  Staffed by Luther Park Bible Camp. 


     Take a close look at this picture.  We always take a funny picture for confirmation and I decided that I would try to hold Drew Gretzlock in my arms.  And, right here, it looks like I’m doing a pretty good job of it.  But the truth is, I held him for about 1.8 seconds before I almost destroyed my back and my knees trying to hold him up.  At one second I thought I had him, and then next I really, really didn’t (like the Bears game against the Commanders.  Still smarting about that).  It makes for a really good picture though.

  I always like taking a funny picture along with the normal one that is displayed at the church because when I teach these youth (and we had 17 confirm their faith this past Sunday), I always have two goals.  The first is to impart on them knowledge of their faith and the meaning of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.  But the second is that the church is where they can always know that they are loved and accepted for who they are.  That means having some fun from time to time, even if it means me embarrassing myself (which really isn’t hard to do).  I want them to know the power of Jesus’ love for them but also the power of feeling that love in a place like Trinity.

  Because life can be really hard and tough and they might find themselves in places that don’t love them very much or accept them for who they are.  There might be times in their life where they might feel alone or lost or scared.  I want them to know that Jesus is always there for them and that the church is a place that is there for them to, a place they belong, no matter what.  A safe place. 

  I have no doubt God will do some cool things through those young people in the picture above.  Some of them will move far away and some might not move away at all.  But in the end, I hope that they will always remember that Jesus loves them and that Trinity is a place that loves them and will remind them of Jesus’ love for them too. 

  May God bless you today and always. 

Trinity Tidings- Oct 21

Posted on: October 21st, 2024 by Brad Peterson

October 21st, 2024


Men’s Band Worship Sunday, November 3rd, 9 am.

Potato Pancake Feed, Sunday, November 3rd, 10 am till 11:30 am.  Potato Pancakes, Kielbasa Sausage, Apple Sauce, Bars, Beverage.  This year we are featuring TWO kinds of Potato Pancakes, our traditional Scandanvian style and now German style.  Free-will offering taken to benefit Trinity Missions.  

Lagers with Lord is Monday, November 4th, at 6 pm at Buckshot’s! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!

Crew on Wednesday, October 30th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

MISSION MADNESS 2024: October 6-November 10th: The annual tradition continues as we raise money for our Mission Partners and PB does embarrassing or weird things.  Just designate your offering to either Mission Madness or to a specific mission partner like Luther Park or WestCAP as an example.  As a twist this year, if a certain number of Time & Talent sheets get turned in, since part of our Mission is using our gifts for God’s glory, that will also fulfill some Mission Madness goals.

Here are the goals:

$500  PB has to wear a Star Trek shirt (reminder: PB doesn’t like Star Trek). 25 Time & Talent sheets GOAL MET!  PB WILL WEAR THIS IN THE FUTURE!  CHECK OUT THE TRINITY FACEBOOK PAGE FOR PICTURES

$1,000 PB eats a serving size of Mayonnaise. 50 Time & Talent sheets GOAL MET! PB will do this after worship on NOVEMBER 3

$1,500 PB gets attacked with silly string by kids in the congregation.

$2,000 PB wears a full Packers outfit at the November Synod Gathering. 

$2,500 PB gets hit in the face with a pie by the Bishop Martin Halom on November 17th




High School Lock-In, Saturday, November 9th, 6 pm till Sunday, November 10th, 7 am.  Scavenger Hunt, Games, Movies, and more!  Friends welcome!  Need to leave early for work?  No problem!  Just let PB know.  Sign-up in the Narthex or talk to PB.  Staffed by Luther Park Bible Camp. 


  The other day, I was sitting out in our backyard around our outdoor firepit, with Amy and our niece Ashlie, who was visiting, with Baxter running around the backyard, and I took a second.  Just a second.  Trying to appreciate the moment.  To drink it in a bit.  A moment of appreciation.

  On a recent Friday, I rolled in a pretty long putt for birdie during my normal round of golf with my friends Josh & Tim.  I wasn’t playing particularly well and I was pretty happy with the putt as it was an actual moment of good in a lot of bad.  And I took a second, just a second, to not appreciate the birdie, but to appreciate the moment with a good friend, doing something I enjoy, on a beautiful day.

  Then this past Tuesday I was leading worship at Glenhaven, which I do once a month, and Bob Bird came with me. As we were singing together, I took a moment to appreciate making music with one of my favorite people, and music that was sharing the love of Christ. 

  I’m not sure what has prompted these moments of appreciation, but they have been coming a lot more frequently.  Maybe it is the Holy Spirit reminding me to not take life for granted.  Maybe it is the Holy Spirit prompting me to be more thankful for life.  Maybe it is the Holy Spirit showing me that in a world that is filled with so much bad there is always moment of good.  Maybe I’m just being a little wistful in my advancing age. 

  In the end, I guess my hope is that you might take a moment to appreciate something in your life today.  That you would take a moment, a breath, a slice of time, and just look around and appreciate something or someone.  To remember that life is a gift, no matter what is going on in it.  For even in the very hardest moments of life, there is still light, there is still joy, there is still peace, there is still happiness, because there is always the Lord. For in the Lord, life is always a gift and the Lord gives a moment or two, every day, to remind us of that gift.  May you be reminded today. 

  May God bless you today and always.