December 8th, 2024
Lefse Making! Come be part of the annual Trinity Tradition! Everyone of all ages and abilities can help!
Wednesday, December 11th, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then 11:30 am till we are done for the day.
Thursday, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then till we are done.
Come for an hour or stay all day!
Lefse Pre-orders! Order your lefse today to guarantee you get this delicious treat! 3 pieces for $5. Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office.
Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm. Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!
We are looking for items for the Silent Auction! Help our youth go to St. Louis for their 2025 Mission Trip! Bring in new items or craft items by Friday, December 13th, for the Silent Auction.
Spirit of Christmas, Saturday, December 14th. Lefse/Bake Sale 9 am till 2pm. Silent Auction 9 am till 3 pm. Homemade Soup Lunch 11 am till 2 pm.
Men’s Band Christmas Concert, December 15th, 6 pm. Soup & Salad Lunch served by the Women of Trinity at 5 pm.
Christmas Carol by Request Service, December 15th, 9 am.
Lagers with the Lord, December 16th, 6 pm at Buckshot’s.
Crew on Wednesday, December 18th, 3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!
Spaghetti Meal on December 18th, 5 pm till 6:30 pm and the Crew kids will sing in church at 6:30 pm!
Sunday School Christmas Program, Sunday, December 22nd, 9 am.
Christmas Eve Worship: 2 pm, 4:30 pm, 9 pm All services have special music, Candlelight portion, and Holy Communion. 2 pm and 4:30 pm will have a children’s sermon. Come worship the Newborn King!
This week is Spirit of Christmas week here in Boyceville which means that it is Lefse Week here at Trinity and there is a lot going on! And for many of you who just skim by the announcements above, here are is rundown of what is going on so that you can be a part of it. Because it is a great week to come together as a community and a church.
Lefse making is Wednesday and Thursday, December 11th and 12th, starting at 7 am. On Wednesday, in the morning we start with peeling, cooking, and mixing till 11:30 am when we stop for a potluck lunch. After lunch, we start rolling and frying into the afternoon. Thursday we continue with that, along with packing, until we are done. Plus, another potluck! There is a job for every person and every ability. They can train everyone (because they even trained me). If you can give an hour, we can use you. If you can go all day, that is awesome as well! We appreciate all of your help. There are many laughs and lots of fun and lots of food!
Friday you can bring your bake sale items in and a couple of things to remember for the bake sale. PLEASE DO NOT PRICE YOUR BAKE SALE ITEMS. The ladies running the bake sale will price them for you, so no need to sit and worry what you should put on something. They will take care of it for you. The church will be open starting at 6:30 am and, if history holds, PB will be here until at least 8 pm so there should be plenty of time for you to stop those items off.
The other important thing to know this year for the bake sale is THERE WILL BE NO SALE OF BAKE SALE ITEMS BEFORE 9 AM ON SATURDAY. So if you have, over the years, brought your items in and then taken that opportunity to load up on buying stuff, we are going to respectfully ask that you wait till Saturday morning. The only exception will be for those who have pre-ordered lefse. You can pick up that pre-ordered lefse, but only that pre-ordered lefse. We appreciate your understanding. So come on Saturday between 9 am and 2 pm for the Bake Sale to get all those goodies!
The annual Silent Auction is also on Saturday to support our youth going to St. Louis for their Mission Trip this summer. This is our major fundraiser for the trip. If you have items to bring for the Silent Auction, please bring them no later than Friday at 5 pm, otherwise they may be used the next year. Bids will close on Saturday at 3 pm. The Mission Trip Youth are also serving a homemade soup lunch from 11 am till 2 pm so we hope you will stop by for that and it is free-will offering.
Also, on Saturday, there is the Live Nativity sponsored by the Boyceville Ministerial Association. Your intrepid pastor is making his Live Nativity acting debut after 20 years of helping to run it as a camel due to your Mission Madness donations! It will be at 4:30 pm by the library, then stick around for the tree lighting, the parade, and all the other activities going on downtown. There is a chili feed at the Boyceville Ambulance Service from 4 till 7 pm as well.
Last, but not least, on Sunday the 15th the Men’s Band is having our annual Christmas concert at 6 pm. We have a couple of new songs and a lots of old favorites. The Women of Trinity are serving a Soup and Salad meal at 5 pm prior to the concert. So join us for a great night of food and music!
I hope to see you here at Trinity during Spirit of Christmas week, whether helping with lefse, bidding on Silent Auction items, grabbing some delicious baked goods, or enjoying the Live Nativity or Men’s Band concert. It will be a time of celebrating the season and the chance to come together as community and church. May God bless you today and always!