Trinity Tidings- Nov 24

Posted on: December 2nd, 2024 by Brad Peterson

November 24th, 2024


No Sunday School on November 24th.

Help us decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, November 24th, after the worship service!

No Wednesday worship on November 27th.

Office Closed November 28th and 29th.

Crew on Wednesday, December 4th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

Sunday School Christmas Program practice starts on Sunday, December 1st at 9:45 am!

Women of Trinity Winter Gathering December 7th at 9 am!

Lefse Making!  Come be part of the annual Trinity Tradition!  Everyone of all ages and abilities can help! 

Wednesday, December 11th, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then 11:30 am till we are done for the day.

Thursday, 7 am till 11:30 am (Potluck Lunch), then till we are done. 

Come for an hour or stay all day! 

Lefse Pre-orders!  Order your lefse today to guarantee you get this delicious treat!  3 pieces for $5.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the church office.

Voices of Praise, every Wednesday night at 7 pm.  Come join us to sing together in praise to the Lord!


“When I thought, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.” Psalm 94:18

   The other day I was walking in my kitchen when I slipped on my floor and I was going to go down in a heap.  But, since my kitchen is incredibly small, I was able to grab onto a counter and stop myself, which was good, because I would have fallen hard!  Who knows what might have happened if I had fallen.  I could have broken something, sprained something, or even worse.  It was a good thing I had something to grab onto to stop my fall.

  As I was looking through the Psalms, I ran into this verse and thought about that moment.  Sometimes in life we are walking along and we slip.  Metaphorically, that is.  We feel like we are falling.  We think we are going to crash into a heap onto the floor.  Hard.  But the good news for us is that our Lord is there hold us up.  Because our Lord loves us.  Loves us no matter what and because of that love, our Lord is always there for us.  Even when we think we are alone.  Even when we feel we are slipping and falling.  It is our Lord that reaches out and grabs us.  Hold us.  Picks us up. 

   In life, we slip.  We can’t help it.  We slip because of grief, hurt, anxiety, mistakes, doubt, fear, a thousand reasons.  But when we slip, we don’t totally fall because we have a loving Lord who is there for us.  A Savior in Jesus Christ who promises to be with us always.  To be there to hold us up when we need it, to be our foundation when we feel like we have none, and to reach out and be our salvation.  Trust that the Lord is with you always.