Trinity Tidings- Oct 6

Posted on: October 7th, 2024 by Brad Peterson

October 6th, 2024


Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Fair October 12th 9 am till 2 pm at Boyceville High School  There are events as well throughout Boyceville. 

Fall Family Fest, Sunday, October 13th, 3 pm till 5pm.  Inflatables, food, pumpkin carving, games, and more for the whole family. 

Lagers with Lord is Monday, October 14th, at 6 pm at Buckshot’s! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Voices of Praise, Wednesday, October 9th, 7 pm! Like to sing?  Want to sing praises to God?  Want to sing with others?  Hate to sing in front of an audience?  This is the group for you!  Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm for the sole purpose of using our voices to give praise to God with others.  This is a fellowship group that gathers to sing together with no expectation that we will sing during worship or in front of an audience.  The only requirement is a love of singing and a love of God!  All ages are welcome! 

Crew on Wednesday, October 16th,  3:30 pm till 5 pm for all 3rd-6th graders!

Crew snacks needed!  We invite individuals and families to sign-up to provide snacks for 50-60 youth for Crew!  Feel free to team up with others!  You do not need to serve the snacks, just provide them!  You can provide whatever you want.  Items should be here by 3 pm on the day of Crew.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the office.  Questions?  Talk to PB.

MISSION MADNESS 2024: October 6-November 10th: The annual tradition continues as we raise money for our Mission Partners and PB does embarrassing or weird things.  Just designate your offering to either Mission Madness or to a specific mission partner like Luther Park or WestCAP as an example.  As a twist this year, if a certain number of Time & Talent sheets get turned in, since part of our Mission is using our gifts for God’s glory, that will also fulfill some Mission Madness goals.

Here are the goals:

$500  PB has to wear a Star Trek shirt (reminder: PB doesn’t like Star Trek). 25 Time & Talent sheets

$1,000 PB eats a serving size of Mayonnaise. 50 Time & Talent sheets

$1,500 PB gets attacked with silly string by kids in the congregation. 75 time & Talent Sheets

$2,000 PB wears a full Packers outfit at the November Synod Gathering.  100 Time & Talent Sheets

$2,500 PB gets hit in the face with a pie by the Bishop Martin Halom on November 17th


  Amy and I were at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, enjoying the three-mile walk when were passed this sign in the shade three exhibit.  I have passed this sign many times, but it caught my eye and I stopped. What caught my eye wasn’t the various shapes of trees and their various characteristics.  The thing that drew my attention was the sentence at the very bottom of the picture.  “All shapes and sizes are worthy of your love.”  I thought that not only was that an important phrase in terms of trees, but frankly for us as humans.  All shapes and sizes are worthy of your love.

  Now, we could look at that statement and only think of it in terms of physical appearance, and that is of course true and very important to remember.  But I want to expand upon it.  Everyone deserves love for we are all human beings.  We are under a month until we have an election in this country and we are in a very polarized place politically.  The rhetoric on both sides is hot and often pointed and harsh.  It is often crossing the line.  We need to remember that everyone involved is a human being.  We need to remember that everyone deserves love and should be treated with respect and dignity.  We need to think twice about the things we say, post, and comment on.  For our words and rhetoric can have consequences and can be hurtful and damaging.

  We might want to take into consideration Jesus’ words to love our neighbor as ourselves and to love our enemies.  We might want to remember that it was this same Jesus who forgave the people who crucified him and the same Jesus who often sat with and listened to those who were most opposed to him.  We might want to remember that we can be faithful to Jesus no matter who we vote for and the person next to us can also be faithful to Jesus too even if they vote for someone different than us.   

  Passion is important and being passionate for what you believe in is important.  I know I am.  That passion can be displayed in ways that are positive but can also be displayed in ways that are negative.  My hope is that as we come into these final days of this election, no matter who you are passionate about in this election, that you would display that passion in a positive manner.  That you might remember that everyone involved are also fellow human beings too, who love this country with the same passion you do, and who deserve the same love and respect that you do.  That we might remember that above all we need the same love and grace from Jesus Christ, for we are all sinners who fall short of the glory of God, who are all called to love our neighbors as we have been loved.  For all shapes and sizes are worthy of your love.

  May God bless you today and always.