Trinity Tidings- Sept 22

Posted on: September 23rd, 2024 by Brad Peterson

September 22nd, 2024


Volunteers Needed!  We are packing Lutheran World Relief boxes on Wednesday, September 25th, at 9 am.  We thank you for your help in advance!

Mission Trip 2025 Registration forms are due September 29th!  Contact PB if you need information or have questions. 

Blessing of the Quilts on Sunday, September 29th, 9 am

Voices of Praise, Wednesday, October 2nd, 7 pm! Like to sing?  Want to sing praises to God?  Want to sing with others?  Hate to sing in front of an audience?  This is the group for you!  Come join us on Wednesday nights at 7 pm for the sole purpose of using our voices to give praise to God with others.  This is a fellowship group that gathers to sing together with no expectation that we will sing during worship or in front of an audience.  The only requirement is a love of singing and a love of God!  All ages are welcome! 

Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Fair October 12th 9 am till 2 pm at Boyceville High School  There are events as well throughout Boyceville. 

Fall Family Fest, Sunday, October 13th, 3 pm till 5pm.  Inflatables, food, pumpkin carving, games, and more for the whole family. 

Lagers with Lord is Monday, October 14th, at 6 pm at Buckshots! All are welcome for a time of faithful conversation.

Crew snacks needed!  We invite individuals and families to sign-up to provide snacks for 50-60 youth for Crew!  Feel free to team up with others!  You do not need to serve the snacks, just provide them!  You can provide whatever you want.  Items should be here by 3 pm on the day of Crew.  Sign-up in the Narthex or call the office.  Questions?  Talk to PB.

MISSION MADNESS 2024: October 6-November 10th: The annual tradition continues as we raise money for our Mission Partners and PB does embarrassing or weird things.  Just designate your offering to either Mission Madness or to a specific mission partner like Luther Park or WestCAP as an example.  As a twist this year, if a certain number of Time & Talent sheets get turned in, since part of our Mission is using our gifts for God’s glory, that will also fulfill some Mission Madness goals.

Here are the goals:

$500  PB has to wear a Star Trek shirt (reminder: PB doesn’t like Star Trek). 25 Time & Talent sheets

$1,000 PB eats a serving size of Mayonnaise. 50 Time & Talent sheets

$1,500 PB gets attacked with silly string by kids in the congregation. 75 time & Talent Sheets

$2,000 PB wears a full Packers outfit at the November Synod Gathering.  100 Time & Talent Sheets

$2,500 PB gets hit in the face with a pie by the Bishop Martin Halom on November 17th


  I want to take a moment to highlight a couple of things:

  • This Wednesday we are packing up the Lutheran World Relief Kits at 9 am.  We really could use all hands on deck.  We will be packing throughout the morning and if you are willing to come by, even for an hour, that would make a big difference.  No experience necessary.  All ages and abilities are needed!
  • We have a new fellowship group starting up on October 2nd called Voices of Praise.  In my head the unofficial name is a Choir that is not a Choir.  The purpose of the group is a place for people to come together to sing without the pressure of singing in front of an audience.  There are people who want to gather with others to sing praise to God but who feel uncomfortable singing in public.  This is a chance to do something fun and that you love but without that added pressure. A chance to connect in a shared activity for the pure joy of it.  We are going to gather at 7 pm and so if you like to sing, come join us.  We are going to sing for about a half hour or as long as people want to sing.  Come have some fun, connect with others, and lift up your voices in praise. 
  • I want to make sure everyone has the Oktoberfest Sip and Savior Craft and Vendor Show on your calendar from 9 am till 2 pm on October 12th.  The main show is at Boyceville High School but there is a ton of other stuff going on throughout Boyceville and at all sorts of businesses throughout town.  It is going to be a big event all day.  I know that I’ll be stopping by lots of places and I hope that you will be too.  They work on this throughout the year and the Women of Trinity use the funds to support a lot of ministries.
  • We had a good first Crew this past Wednesday with 44 kids and it was good to have them all back.  There is a lot of energy and we have a lot of fun and it is amazing how many kids as they are crossing in the morning or afternoon ask me when the next one is. We would love to see that snack sheet with some more names on it. We encourage people to partner together to provide snacks for up to 50 youth.  You can provide whatever you want.  Want to bring some fruit, cookies, and cheese?  Great.  Want to bring hot dogs and mac and cheese?  Great.  Want to just bring a bunch of random things?  Also great.  We have people to serve it, we just need stuff.  We don’t need beverages, just the food.  Please talk to me if you have any questions.  
  • Please take note of Mission Madness 2024 that is coming up starting in October.  This is annual tradition is not just about me doing stupid stuff and you getting the joy of seeing me doing that stuff.  It is really about fulfilling who we are as a church, and that is helping others.  About taking the gifts we have so that we can make a difference.  This year we have a wrinkle, but some of those gifts are just not our financial gifts.  Part of our mission is the giving of our time.  It is using our talents for the sake of God’s mission in the world.  And so, to fulfill our goals, we are adding having you turn in Time and Talent sheets in as well.  These are so important if we are going to continue to grow as a church.  You will hear more about this in future Trinity Tidings, but I have attached the Time and Talent sheet so you can prayerfully consider how you can use your gifts for the sake of this church and its Mission in the coming year.
  • Hope you have a fantastic week and I hope that you see God’s love in Jesus Christ active and working in your life today and every day!