November 26, 2023
Items needed for the Silent Auction! The Youth Gathering Youth are holding the Spirit of Christmas Silent Auction on December 9th from 9 am till 3 pm. We are looking for NEW items, craft items, gift certificates, and more. Please bring in items by Wednesday, December 6th.
Mitten Tree is up! Bring in your hats, mittens, gloves, scarves for those in need. Let’s decorate that tree!
Crew November 29TH for all 3rd-6th graders from 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm. Next Crew then is December 13th & December 20th
Women of Trinity Winter Gathering Saturday, December 2nd, 9 am. Join us for brunch, fellowship, and friendship. All women are invited!
Men’s Band Christmas Concerts: Saturday, December 2nd, 7 pm at Knapp United Methodist. Sunday, December 3rd, 6 pm at First Lutheran Church in Cumberland. Chili Feed at 5 pm. Sunday, December 17th, 6 pm at Trinity. Spaghetti Feed at 5 pm.
Lefse Making: Wednesday, December 6th at 7 am, Thursday, December 7th 7 am. Come at anytime during both days to help with this Trinity tradition! No matter who you are, you can contribute! There is a pot luck every day at 11:30 am! Sign-up in the Narthex or let PB or the office know and we will get your signed up!
Lefse & Bake Sale, Saturday, December 9th, 9 am till 2 pm.
Silent Auction, Saturday, December 9th, 9 am till 3 pm, benefitting our Youth Gathering Youth. Last bid taken at 3 pm.
Homemade Soup Lunch, 11 am till 2 pm. A variety of homemade soups served by the Trinity youth! Free-will offering taken.
Lagers with the Lord Monday, December 11th at 6 pm at Buckshot’s. All are welcome!
Christmas Carol by Request Worship, Sunday, December 10th, 9 am.
Sunday School Christmas program, Sunday, December 17th, 9 am.
Christmas Eve Worship Services, Sunday, December 24th, 9 am, 2 pm, 4:30 pm, & 9:00 pm. Please note that the 9 am service will not have a Candlelight portion. All services have Holy Communion.
Please consider bringing your Deer Hides to Trinity! They can be placed in the shack in front of the church. Please hides only, no heads or feet.
Sign up to bring snacks for Crew and/or Sunday School. Any and all are very much appreciated. Sign ups are on the table in the Narthex.
When we go on our Mission Trips, I always have the same conversation with our youth before we go and even after we arrive. I remind them that we are there to serve in the way they need us, not in the way we hope to serve. This means that instead of painting a house we might be reorganizing a store room. Instead of building something, we might just be pulling weeds. Those things don’t seem very exciting, but to the people we are serving, it is what they most need and we are there to serve their needs.
For many years, we have had WestCAP tags to purchase Christmas presents to kids of all ages. I know so many of you who have grabbed those tags and been incredibly generous in providing Christmas gifts for kids in need. And it feels incredibly satisfying to do so. It makes us feel good. But this year, they need something different from us. When we called about tags, they said they have plenty of people wiling to buy toys. But what they really needed is stuff that we need every day but take for granted.
When you were a kid, did you open up stocking stuff? When I did, there would often be some cool stuff, fun toys, even money. But there would also be socks and underwear and deodorant and toothpaste. Not every exciting but very much needed. This year, we are going to provide those needed things for kids. Underwear. Socks. Pajama’s. Personal care items. They might not be ask exciting as buying toys, but they are just as needed. Maybe even more needed then that toy.
So we aren’t doing tags this year, but we are going to meet a need. So I invite you pick up some underwear, some socks, personal care items, and pajamas for kids of all ages. Bring them to the church and place them by the tree in the Narthex. I thank you in advance for your willingness to serve, and to serve in the way that is needed by our community. May God bless you today and always!