October 30, 2023
Mission Madness 2023: Support our Mission Partners by donating to Mission Madness. PB will do the assigned tasks only after you hit these financial goals. You can donate in worship, send in an offering, or use the giving portal at www.trinityboyceville.com. Scroll down and select “Mission”
$500 PB sings “I’m a Little Teapot” in front of the congregation. (Goal Met. Will happen on November 5)
$1,000 PB dresses as Packers fan or player for Halloween (Goal Met. Will happen at Trunk or Treat on Halloween)
$1,500 PB gets pelted by water balloons after the Men’s Band concert in November. (Goal met. Will happen on November 5th after worship.
$2,000PB wears an inflatable dinosaur costume (Goal met, will happen on November 19th)
$2,500PB dresses as a clown one morning for crossing guard. (Goal met. DATE TBD).
CURRENT TOTAL: $3650! INCREDIBLE JOB EVERYONE! You can still donate through this Sunday, November 5th.
Congrats to our 2023 confirmands! Isabelle Bohn, Ellie Engemann, Brooke Fenton, Sawyer Garbe, Gretta Guy, Elliana Kietzer, Ella Lain, Lilly Lain, Sydney Larson, Lucy Wheeldon
Men’s Band Worship, Sunday, November 5th, 9 am.
Potato Pancake Meal, Sunday, November 5th, 10 am till 11:30 am. Potato Pancakes, Kielbasa Sausage, Apple Sauce, Bars, Beverage. All funds raised go to Trinity Missions. We are also looking for workers so please sign-up in the Narthex or show up at 9 am.
New Member Class, Sunday, November 5th, 6 pm. If you or someone you know is interested in joining Trinity, please join us on November 5th. If you can’t join us, contact Pastor Brad.
SPECIAL CAKE WALK THIS SUNDAY! Besides drawing for a cake, we will also be drawing for a quilt! So get your tickets on Sunday, November 5th! All proceeds help our youth attend the 2024 ELCA National Youth Gathering in New Orleans!
Mitten Tree is up! Bring in your hats, mittens, gloves, scarves for those in need. Let’s decorate that tree!
Crew November 1st for all 3rd-6th graders from 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm.
Lagers with the Lord Monday, November 13th, at 6 pm at Buckshot’s. All are welcome!
Deer Hunter’s Worship on Wednesday, November 15th, 6:30 pm.
Sign up to bring snacks for Crew and/or Sunday School. Any and all are very much appreciated. Sign ups are on the table in the Narthex.
As Halloween approaches on Tuesday, I am tasked with wearing the scariest costume ever: I will be dressed as a Packer fan. Of course, this is not my choice, but is me fulfilling a Mission Madness goal. Thank you for supporting our Mission partners! You can check it out at Trunk or Treat in downtown Boyceville from 5pm till 6:30 pm.
But having to wear this costume made me think of my favorite Halloween costumes of all time. So here we go, from number 5 to number 1. Please note that for many of these I found pictures but that doesn’t mean I remember what year it was (though I will try)!
5. Homer Simpson, 2001.

This was when I was a senior in Seminary. My friend Jen painted my head for me and I shaved my head for it. I remember having to throw the shirt I’m wearing away because of all the paint on it.
4. Christmas Elf, 2019

This was part of our Trunk or Treat where our theme was Christmas. I believe that in this costume the Tribune Press Reporter took my picture and labeled me as “Pastor Brad Larson.” I even got a note in the mail from our local State Representative at the time addressed to “Pastor Brad Larson.”
3. Butterfly, 2009

Amy made this for me after she suggested I be a butterfly. I said I would only if she made me a costume, and she did. Got a lot of laughs at this one when people came to the house.
2. Uncle Fester: 2002 or 2003.
I don’t have a picture of this, though I think it was more likely 2002 than 2003. I shaved my head (again) and dressed as Uncle Fester. But what makes this as an all-timer was a mom brought her child from church to trick or treat and the child freaked out. They wanted to know why a monster had eaten Pastor Brad, since she recognized my voice. Kid was so freaked out she refused to go to church for almost a month!
1. Batman, early 1980’s for multiple years

My Mom made this costume for me and I wore it until I basically couldn’t fit in it anymore. Still my all time favorite!
I even wore a modern version of this, but it just wasn’t the same.
Have a Happy Halloween!