October 15, 2023
Mission Madness 2023: Support our Mission Partners by donating to Mission Madness. PB will do the assigned tasks only after you hit these financial goals. You can donate in worship, send in an offering, or use the giving portal at www.trinityboyceville.com. Scroll down and select “Mission”
$500 PB sings “I’m a Little Teapot” in front of the congregation.
$1,000 PB dresses as Packers fan or player for Halloween
$1,500 PB gets pelted by water balloons after the Men’s Band concert in November.
$2,000PB wears an inflatable dinosaur costume
$2,500PB dresses as a clown one morning for crossing guard.
Crew October 18th at 3:30 pm till 5pm for all 3rd-6th graders!
Lagers with the Lord Monday, October 16th, 6 pm at Buckshot’s. All are welcome to join us for this time of faith conversation and fellowship.
High School Lock-In, October 27th, 6pm till 7 am on October 28th. Sign-up in the Narthex. Need some parents to drive at 6:30 pm till 7:30 pm for our Scavenger Hunt for Hunger and a parent or two for some of the overnight hours. See the sign-up in the Narthex.
Men’s Band Worship, Sunday, November 5th, 9 am.
Potato Pancake Meal, Sunday, November 5th, 10 am till 11:30 am. Potato Pancakes, Kielbasa Sausage, Apple Sauce, Bars, Beverage. All funds raised go to Trinity Missions. We are also looking for workers so please sign-up in the Narthex
Sign up to bring snacks for Crew and/or Sunday School. Any and all are very much appreciated. Sign ups are on the table in the Narthex.
One of the coolest things this year in being at Boyceville football games has been our awesome cheerleaders. We have a lot of them this year and not only do they cheer at varsity games, they cheer at JV games, which is super fun. If you don’t know, I come from a family of cheerleaders. My mom was a cheerleader and a cheerleading coach. My sisters were both cheerleaders for football and basketball. I had to listen to a lot of cheerleading going on when I was a kid, especially when they would practice in our living room while I was trying to watch TV! Anyways, our cheerleaders at the Bulldog games have been super loud, which I love to hear when I’m up in the booth announcing. They bring great energy and they have had to do a lot of jumping jacks this year with all the points we have scored!
I thought of our awesome cheerleaders as I read these words Romans this morning: “If God is for us, who is against us?” This comes from Romans 8:31b. Have you ever thought about how God is cheering you on? That our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is with us, cheering for us as we make our way in the world. That image brings me comfort. I don’t think God wants us to fail, to sin, to make mistakes. I think God wants us to make the right choices, to succeed in the important ways of life. I think God cheers us on as we celebrate the joys of life.
But the other thing is that God never stops cheering for us. Our cheerleaders cheer on the Bulldogs win or lose, in warmth and in the cold, when it is a perfect night for football or when it is raining sideways with 20 mph winds. They are there for the team no matter what and God in Jesus Christ is there for you no matter what. No matter the storms, the difficulty, nothing keeping God away from cheering you on.
May you know every day that you are not alone, that Jesus Christ is there for you, loving you, forgiving you, and giving his life for you. And remember that God is cheering you on, this day and every day! May the Lord bless you today and always!