January 22, 2023
Winter Family Fest is moved to February 26th, 2 pm till 4 pm. Sled rides, games, food, and more! All ages welcome!
Annual Meeting: Sunday, February 5th, 10 am.
Super Bowl Pizza’s: Orders due on February 5th. Pick them up on February 12th. Benefits our youth going to Luther Park Bible Camp. Form attached.
Crew is on February 1st at 3:30 pm for all for all 3rd-6th graders!
Communion Bread Bakers needed! Please sign-up on the table in the Narthex.
Volunteers Needed to remove snow from our sidewalks! Please sign-up on the table in the Narthex. We have a new tractor with snow blower that you can use.
First Communion Class is January 22nd at 10:30-11:30 am. First Communion class is for all youth from 3rd grade and above whose parents believe they are ready to receive communion. Make up class on January 29th at the same time.
Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website. Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!
And he said to them, ‘Follow me, and I will make you fish for people. Matthew 4:19
I have to admit, I have never been a big fan of this metaphor for finding disciples of Jesus Christ. Fishing for people. Why? Well, I really don’t like fishing. I really don’t. I’m appreciative of those who love to fish as I love to eat the fish (Fish are food, not friends!). But I can’t think of anything less I would rather do, especially you crazy people who go out on the ice to fish this time of year. I just don’t have the patience for fishing. Call it a character flaw (as it is). I want stuff to happen right away. That often doesn’t happen with fishing. I wish I was more patient, but I’m not.
But there are things I appreciate about the art of fishing. I do appreciate those that have the patience who do it. I appreciate that there is an art and skill to being a good fishermen, to finding the right spot, picking the right bait, all the prep that goes into it. I appreciate the fact that for some there is not greater activity of peace and joy than fishing. Probably most so, I appreciate the faith that goes into fishing. You put a line in the water and even with the best preparation, equipment, and knowledge, nothing is guaranteed. You put a line in the water and hope. You might get something, you might not. But you put the line in the water anyways. It is an act of faith.
The same is true in our calling to fish for people. It is an act of faith, an act of hope. We cast a line out there, using the gifts we have to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed. We are hoping people respond to those gifts, to our message of hope and love, and want to follow Jesus as we do. Sometimes we might get impatient and think our efforts are in vain. But here is the thing, my friends: it doesn’t rest with us. We are the hands and feet of God in the world and we are called to spread the Gospel and serve the neighbor, but God in Jesus Christ is at work. It is the Lord who will catch the fish. We are just the ones putting out the line on behalf of our Savior who loves and saves us.
But we don’t catch anything if we don’t cast the line. The Lord can’t be at work if we are not willing to take the risk to share our faith with others. To hope. To have faith in the one who is faithful to us. And maybe we sometimes treat fishing for people like I treat fishing in general. With impatience. With fear that we don’t have the necessary skills or preparation to be successful, so why do it at all?
God in Jesus Christ is acting in and through us. It is the Lord who will do the catching, who will reel people in to see the grace, mercy, and hope we have in Jesus Christ. We just have to be willing to cast out the line, to let God be at work through us. Fishing is all about hope. Let us set our hope on our loving Savior Jesus Christ, casting out a line of love and grace so that God might catch some people. May the Lord bless you as you fish for people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Website: www.trinityboyceville.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/TrinityBoycevilleWI
Facebook: www.facebook.com/trinityboyceville