September 25, 2022
2023 Mission Trip Informational Meeting on September 25th at 10:15 am. Trip is open to all current High School youth. Come get information and help choose where we will be going in the summer of 2023. If you can’t make it, please contact PB
We are packing Lutheran World Relief Kits on Wednesday, September 28th at 9 am. All are welcome to help! Lots of hands make light work!
Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Show, Saturday, October 8th, from 9 am to 2 pm at Tiffany Creek Elementary. Lots of great vendors, food served, all benefit the Woman of Trinity and their ministry and mission.
Bibles will be given out to Pre-K and 3rd graders on Sunday, October 2nd, at 9 am.
Fall Family Fest, October 9th, 2:30 pm till 5:00 pm Inflatables, Gaga, Games, Activities, Food and more. For all ages. No cost! Join us for some fun!
Crew Snack Sign-Up. Please sign-up in the Narthex to provide snacks for the Crew. Please prepare to serve 60 kids and you can bring anything you want.
Crew is on October 5th for all 3rd-6th graders Crew is 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm and this year we will be taking a Journey Through the Bible.
Cross Generational Worship service is on Sunday, October 16th, at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website. Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!
“He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3
The week of September 12th was a tough week for yours truly. Now, it wasn’t tough because anything bad happened to me, per se. Rather, it was like I was the Hulk, just breaking things. It started on a walk with Amy, Kapono, and Baxter on Tuesday when Baxter stopped suddenly and I ended up stepping on his back right foot. He squealed very loudly and then wouldn’t put his foot down at all, even after a few minutes. We realized something bad had happened and we called our vet and some others but none could get us in, so I took off for Eau Claire and the Emergency Animal Hospital. A few hours later we got the diagnosis: two broken toes. We were given strict instructions to try to keep him from moving around as much as possible, no more walks, no more rough play, for at least a month, maybe more. Plus, for his sake, some pain meds! It meant buying a pen to set up in the living room so he could be with us but be separated from Kapono and have limited movement so that he could heal. Poor guy.
Then, on Thursday, I was golfing with two friends. One of them is a pastor in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and this was our first chance to see each other in two years. We met halfway and had a wonderful day of conversation, golf, and fun. EXCEPT one thing. I broke a window in the clubhouse with a very, very, very offline drive. Drove the ball right through the screen and the window. The worker came out, threw my ball toward where it was supposed to be, and went back inside. Here I was again, breaking stuff. Hulk smash!
So not only did I break two things, I had also a broken spirit. The guilt in both instances were palatable and still with me. Both were accidents. Both were unintentional. Both made me miserable. Seeing Baxter in pain just ate me up as I sat in the waiting room to see what had happened. Feeling terrible about breaking that window, even though the people at the course were really great, made me miserable. I had broken things and in turn was broken a bit myself.
But the thing is, we are all broken people, even when we aren’t breaking stuff. We are broken due to sin, broken as we deal with pain and suffering, broken by grief and sorrow, anxiety and worry, broken often both physically and mentally. But we are not destroyed. We may be broken, but we are made whole by the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We are put back together by the love of a God who gives everything to us so that we might live. We are healed by the Lord who carries our burdens, takes our sin, and walks with us every day. Our brokenness does not separate us from God’s love for us in Jesus Christ. Rather, our Lord looks upon us with compassion because we are broken. Because we need a Savior.
Baxter is doing really well. He had a follow up appointment this past week and things look really good and if you watched him walk or run, you wouldn’t even know that he had some broken toes. The people at the golf course were so gracious and nice to me when I apologized about the window. They understood. Broken things can be mended, healed, put back whole. We are mended, healed, and put back whole by the love and grace of God in Jesus Christ. You may be broken today my friends. I may be broken. But in the midst of our brokenness comes a Savior to heal us, to make us whole, to remind us that though we are broken, we are loved, we are saved, and we are not alone. For that we can say, “Thanks be to God!”
“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; 9persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-10
Here is Baxter in his living room pen.