Trinity Tidings- Sept 11

Posted on: September 12th, 2022 by Brad Peterson


Sunday School begins TODAY, September 11th, at 9:45 am.  You can register your child in advance with the form located in the Narthex.

Outdoor Worship Service and Blessing of the Animals on September 18th at 9 am. Join us in the Parking Lot for an outdoor worship.  Feel free to sit in your vehicle or bring a chair to sit and bring your animals for a blessing.

Turn in your Time & Talent Sheets!  One is attached to this email.  Please turn it in to the office.

Crew Snack Sign-Up.  Please sign-up in the Narthex to provide snacks for the Crew.  Please prepare to serve 60 kids and you can bring anything you want.

Crew begins on September 21st for all 3rd-6th graders  Crew is 3:30 pm till 5:00 pm and this year we will be taking a Journey Through the Bible.

Mission Trip Presentation on September 25th at 9 am.

2023 Mission Trip Informational Meeting on September 25th at 10:15 am.  Trip is open to all current High School youth.  Come get information and help choose where we will be going in the summer of 2023. 

Oktoberfest Craft & Vendor Show, Saturday, October 8th, from 9 am to 2 pm at Tiffany Creek Elementary.  Lots of great vendors, food served, all benefit the Woman of Trinity and their ministry and mission. 

School Bags  Pick up a school bag from a pew in the sanctuary and fill out the list that is included in the bag, then return to the church.  You can also donate loose school supplies as well and place in the bin in the Narthex.

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


 As I walked out of my house this morning at about 5:20 am, I did something I don’t do that often, especially on a Sunday morning.  I looked up.  I took a moment with completely clear skies to look at the stars.  Normally, as I exit the house, I do so with a to do list in my head, things I want to get to done and have to do when I get to church.  But despite having such a list this morning, I stood there for a few moments to appreciate the stars, to marvel at the beauty of those lights in the sky, especially since it was a clear moon as well.  I’m not sure what prompted it.  Maybe it was the fact that I had taught the creation story to my 7th grade confirmation story early in the week. Maybe it was the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  I don’t know.  But I stopped, and I looked, and I wondered and awed and appreciated. 

  I had the same feeling of appreciation after I got to church as I started to work through my to do list (of which this musings was one) as I set up for the baptism this morning.  We have a lot of baptisms at Trinity and we have a bunch more coming up, but as I moved the font and put the baptismal blanket in place, I thought about how cool it is that we get to do so many baptisms at Trinity.  We have double digit baptisms every year and it could be easy to take them for granted as just something that always happens.  But it is a great gift to have a baptism, to hear those baptismal promises given to a new child of God, to celebrate with a family this joyous occasion of God’s love and hope. 

  I guess what I’m getting at this morning is that it can be easy to be overwhelmed by the tasks of life.  I know that sometimes I get so focused on all the things that need to be done that I can forget to appreciate the things that are in front of me.  I forget to take a moment and to look around, to see the beauty and majesty and awesomeness of life and of God’s gifts to me in life. I hope that you will take a moment today, or tomorrow, or the next day, and appreciate what is around you.  To give thanks for the little things of life.  To remember the love of God in Jesus Christ that is for you.  That you might wonder at the stars or marvel at the joy of a newborn baby or appreciate the hug of a loved one or the snuggle of a pet.  For God is good and God loves you so much that God sent his only Son to die and rise so that you would be saved. 

  May the Lord bless you today and always!