July 18, 2022
Christmas in July Worship Sunday, July 24th, 9 am. Wear your Christmas stuff to church!
Celebrating and Saying Farewell to Katie Wagner Sunday, August 7th. August 7th is Katie’s last day with us and we invite you to join us for worship and fellowship as we give thanks for her time with us as Youth Coordinator and Pastoral Intern.
Pick up your church directories! They are on the Cake Table in the Narthex
Summer Fellowship We need fellowship servers starting on June 12th. Please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex to serve!
Summer Cake Walk The Women of Trinity take over the Cake Walk in the summer to help fund their ministries! See the sign-up on the table in the Narthex!
We are on summer office hours now, so the office is closed on Fridays.
No Wednesday Worship on July 27th.
Personal Care Kit Donations are being collected by the youth for their mission trip to Nashville. Items to include are: men’s/women’s socks, travel size toothpaste, toothbrushes, combs, travel size hand sanitizer, travel size shampoo, and soap. Please bring items to the church by July 21st.
Thank you Trinity for the amazing surprise 20th Ordination Anniversary and being at Trinity party! It was an amazing day on Sunday and special thanks to all who worked so hard to make it happen (and to hide it from me!). I am eternally grateful. PB
Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website. Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!
“Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7
When I was in Middle School, I was in track, because everyone was in track. And our coach made every person do a running event. So, because I was not fast in any way beyond ten feet, I had to run the mile. I hated every second of it. Plus, I was not very good at it, often coming in last or close to last. Frankly, I am surprised I finished every race. But I knew why I finished: my friend Aaron.
Aaron was a runner and loved to run long distances, and he also ran the mile. The different between him and me is he would finish while I would still be on my second lap of four. I would be wheezing, struggling to breath, just wanting it to end, but then Aaron would come over. He would run next to me, even though he had already run the mile, and encourage me to finish. He would keep me going, even in the midst of my torture, so I would finish. I have no doubt I wouldn’t have made it without his encouragement.
In life, we so often find ourselves running the race of life and it feels like we have no breath, that we are wheezing, that it is torture, that we want to quit. But our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ runs with us. After all, it is God who has given us breath. Without that breath, we are just flesh and bone. But we are alive and in life, our Savior doesn’t leave us to run it alone. Christ runs with us, helps us when we want to give up, guides us in all that we do. You are never alone.
May you know every day that the Lord is with you, renewing you, strengthening you, running besides you in this grace race we call life. Never give up, because your are loved and saved by your Savior Jesus Christ. May God bless you every day and always!
Website: www.trinityboyceville.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/TrinityBoycevilleWI
Facebook: www.facebook.com/trinityboyceville