Trinity Tidings- June 13

Posted on: June 14th, 2022 by Brad Peterson


Vacation Bible School! Sign-up today for VBS on June 13-17th, 9 am till 12:00 pm every day for ages 4-6th grade.  Cost is $10 per student. 

VBS Help Needed:  Luther Park will not be running VBS for this year.  We need help with setting up crafts and helping to watch kids.  Please talk to PB or Katie if you can help. 

VBS Snacks Needed: Sign-up in the Narthex to provide snacks for Vacation Bible School in June.

Turn back the clock worship, Sunday, June 19th.  Join us at 9 am as we bring back an old fashioned worship service, with the old chants and everything.  Hope to see you there!

Pick up your church directories!  They are on the Cake Table in the Narthex

Baby Care Kits so if you are going to any thrift sales we can use sleepers or gowns, hooded sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, baby socks, t-shirts, all size 6 months to 24 months.

Summer Fellowship  We need fellowship servers starting on June 12th.  Please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex to serve!

Summer Cake Walk  The Women of Trinity take over the Cake Walk in the summer to help fund their ministries!  See the sign-up on the table in the Narthex!

Blood Mobile on Monday, June 27th, from Noon till 6 pm.

We are on summer office hours now, so the office is closed on Fridays.

Congratulations to Brian & Katie Moll for winning Simply Giving Mania!

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the Vanco app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!


Romans 5:1-5

Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand; and we boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.

Football is my favorite sport, and I love almost everything about it, outside of Aaron Rodgers always beating my Chicago Bears.  I love the athleticism, the hitting, the strategy.  I can watch football on every level, on any day, at any time.  But there is one thing I don’t love.  I don’t love the celebrating on the routine plays.  You sack the QB, making Aaron Rodgers cry? Celebrate.  Score a TD? Celebrate.  Get a big first down or make a big catch?  Celebrate fully.  Tackle someone after a four yard gain and celebrate like a crazy person?  Stupid.  That’s just me.  There is too much boasting going on for my like.  Call me a grouch, a grump, old school.  But I think there is a time to a boast and a time not to. It just seems like something dumb to boast about, doing what you are supposed to do. 

  Sometimes I have a hard time with a part of this reading from Romans for today. To boast in our sufferings?  Really?  To boast about grieving a death?  Boast about a physical ailment or a mental illness?  Boast about a natural disaster? Just seems stupid. 

  But that is not what Paul is actually saying here.  Paul isn’t saying that we boast because of our sufferings.  No.  Rather.  We boast in the midst of our suffering.  Why can we boast in the midst of our suffering?  Because we share in the glory of God.  Because we have been given peace.  Because we have been justified by faith and not by our works.  Because God is at work in the midst of our suffering, producing endurance, character, and hope.  And that hope sustains us, never disappoints us, because our hope rests on Jesus Christ, our Savior. 

   We can boast, even when we suffer, for we know that suffering is not the end.  Nothing is greater than God’s love in Jesus Christ for us and this Jesus died and rose to bring us to eternal life.  Suffering is not our final state.  We have been given things that are greater than our suffering: peace, love, justification, salvation, character, endurance, hope. 

  So today, my friends, boast.  Rejoice.  Give thanks!  Your salvation is here and nothing that happens in life can take aways the peace, hope, grace, and love you have been given in Jesus Christ.  For that we can say, “thanks be to God!”  Amen


