MISSION MADNESS: DOUBLE TROUBLE! October 31-December 5. Give towards missions, from October 31st to December 5th, and you get “double trouble!” Both PB and Katie will do crazy things at each giving level we reach. Come have some fun, support our mission partners, and get PB and Katie into Double Trouble!
$500 PB will give up meat for a week and Katie will give up coffee for a week. GOAL MET. GOING ON RIGHT NOW
$1000 PB will eat canned tuna and Katie will eat candy corn (that’s right folks, she hates candy corn). GOAL MET. WILL HAPPEN ON NOVEMBER 21
$1250 Katie & PB will get a Pie in the face. You can purchase a ticket for a chance to hit each of us in the face with a pie. GOAL MET. WILL HAPPEN ON NOVEMBER 21
$1500 PB and Katie will have a spaghetti eating contest (no hands). GOAL MET. WILL HAPPEN ON DECEMBER 5
$1750 PB and Katie will ride tricycles around an obstacle course. GOAL MET. WILL HAPPEN ON DECEMBER 12
$2000 PB will wear bicycle shorts in public & Katie will wear her Christmas tree costume in public for a day. $120 AWAY FROM MEETING THIS GOAL!
Last chance to directory photography on December 7th. Spots available! You can sign-up online Monday-Friday at Enter the church code of wi128 and the password photos and then follow the instructions.
Calling all 3rd thru 6th Graders! The Crew is back! We will meet on November 17TH from 3:30pm-5pm. We are excited to have you back!
Deer Hunter’s Worship Service on November 17th at 6 pm. Wear your orange and camo!
Spaghetti Feed, November 17th, 5 pm till 6pm. All are welcome! Served by church council.
Community Thanksgiving Worship Sunday, November 21st, 7 pm, at Faith Evangelical Free Church in Boyceville. Bring a non perishable food item for the food pantry.
Poinsettia’s for Christmas Eve. Cost is $9.50 per plant. Make checks payable to Trinity. Deadline is December 12th. Look for the forms in the Narthex, in the bulletin and Good News, and posted on the website.
Lefse making December 8th & 9th, starting at 9 am both days. Sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Help us with the Trinity tradition!
Pre-order your lefse! Sign-up on the table in the Narthex or call the church. $4 per package with three lefse per package. Deadline is December 5th for pre-orders.
Silent Auction items needed for the Youth Gathering Silent Auction on December 11th! New items only please. Please have items to the church by December 8th.
Snacks are needed for The Crew. If you would like to supply snacks, please sign up on the sheet on the table in the narthex. Plan for 65 kids. Want to volunteer? We would love to have your help at Crew! Talk to Katie or PB if you are willing. Please feel free to partner with another family.
Snacks and teachers needed for Sunday School! Sign-up on the table in the Narthex or stop in the Sunday School hallway to volunteer.
Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website. Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!
A few things happened today as I write this on November 14th. The first is that I took a nap. The second is that Amy and I decorated the house for Christmas (save your judgement. We love Christmas). The third is that today is the 15th anniversary of the my Mom’s passing from lung cancer. As I was putting some of my childhood ornaments on the tree, I thought of my Mom who loved Christmas and I always think of her when I put a particular ornament on the tree, which is a bell that has a shepherd in the style of Precious Moments. I think of my Mom because she loved Precious Moments and when I look inside the bell I see her handwriting, which says “Brad 79” on it, which was the year I received it. It is one of my most “precious” (see what I did there) ornaments and I always put it in a prominent spot where I can see it.
I miss my Mom, but today isn’t necessarily a sad day. It is a day to remember, a day to give thanks for the wonderful Mom who everyone said I looked like, who taught me the faith, encouraged me to be myself, who told me what took me so long when I told her I felt the call to be a pastor and who, when I had to chance to leave Boyceville after Trinity separated from Our Savior’s that the town and me were made for each other and that I should stay. And as I’m on the 6th of 7 days of not eating meat, I’m reminded of all the sacrifices my Mom made for my sisters and I and for her students. My Mom taught all of us the importance of service, to your family, your community, and to God. She got up at 2 am to make our lunches and do our laundry but also stayed late at school for meetings and to take care of students as a guidance counselor. And despite the hard things that happened in her life, losing a son and a husband, she always kept the faith and knew that Jesus loved her and blessed her. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind for the things she was passionate about and sang in the church choir until she died.
This upcoming week, many people in our area will get ready for deer hunting, where they will pass on traditions from generation to generation. People will be getting ready for Thanksgiving, time spent with family and also remembering those who aren’t there. Maybe you will be putting up Christmas stuff like we did and thinking about those whom you have loved and who have loved you. No matter what is happening, take a moment to remember and to give thanks for the people who have shaped and impacted you in life. Take a moment to remember the faithfulness of God, a God whose faithful love spans from generation to generation, whose saving grace through Jesus Christ means we will see those we remember in glory one day. Finally, remember that in life it isn’t the things that we accomplish in life aren’t nearly as important as the love we share with others.
May the Lord bless you and keep you today and always!