Lent 2021: “Healer of our Every Ill: The Healing Stories of Jesus” Holden Evening Prayer worship at 7 pm in person and online
March 17 Topic: Jesus Heals a Woman Scripture: Luke 8:40-48
March 24 Topic: Jesus Raises Lazarus Scripture: John 11:38-44
Register for Luther Park Summer Camp! Go to to see all the awesome programs for people of all ages. Put in code TrinB21 when you register.
Butter Braid Sale: Help our youth go to Luther Park this summer! Click on the link and then on a seller and order your Butter Braids! Delivery is in May.
Easter Lily and Tulips: You can order flowers to be part of the Easter service using the form provided in the bulletin or that is on the church website. Order deadline is March 21st. Make checks payable to Trinity and put “flowers” in the memo line. Tulip-Lily-Order-Form-2021.pdf (
Join us for worship on March 21st as Luther Park Executive Director Keith Newman and Program Director Rebekah Defoe will be visiting us. Also, there will be a special announcement from Pastor Brad!
Maundy Thursday worship, April 1, 7 pm. In person and online.
Good Friday worship, April 2, 7 pm. In person and online.
Easter Sunday Worship 7:30 am & 9 am. 7:30 am worship is inside and requires a reservation. 9 am will be in the parking lot. Both worship services will be live streamed on Facebook. To make your reservation for the service, please go to:
Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website. Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there!
A year ago I was sitting on a plane and I have to admit I was kind of freaking out. I was coming back as the was world was in chaos and everything was shutting down due to COVID. I was thinking about the council meeting we were about to have after worship, the fact that the Bishop was coming to the church that Sunday, what steps we needed to due in worship that day to keep everyone safe, and then all the other things that would need to happen regarding confirmation, activities, and more. It was a lot to process and, at the time, I had no idea just what was in store for all of us.
Now, one year later, as we start to open up again and see the light at the end of the tunnel, there is a part of me that doesn’t want to forget that feeling on the plane and those first few days of a new normal. I want to remember the heartache, the pain, the fear, and all that came with it. I want to remember what we all had to give up in this past year. I want to especially remember the almost 525,000 of our fellow Americans who lost their lives to this terrible virus. Why? Because I want to make sure to appreciate things more as we get back to normal. I don’t want to take for granted a handshake or a hug. I don’t want to take for granted seeing family and friends. I don’t want to take for granted the experience of hearing a congregation sing or handing out communion to people up front in the church. I don’t want to take for granted visiting the nursing home and leading worship for the residents. I don’t want to take any of the things that we haven’t been able to do ever again.
Throughout the year, I have been thankful for the grace of God that has gotten us through so much. I’m thankful for the people of Trinity and their patience, perseverance, and faithfulness during this time. I’m thankful for the love of my family and friends. As we begin to turn a corner and see the end of this thing, may we continue to trust in God and to never forget the past year so that we might appreciate the future.