Trinity Tidings March 3

Posted on: March 3rd, 2021 by Brad Peterson


Lent 2021: “Healer of our Every Ill:  The Healing Stories of Jesus” Holden Evening Prayer worship at 7 pm in person and online

March 3     Topic:  Jesus Heals a Paralytic        Scripture:  Luke 5:17-26

March 10    Topic:  The Man With a Withered Hand  Scripture:  Mark 3:1-6

March 17    Topic:  Jesus Heals a Woman         Scripture:  Luke 8:40-48

March 24   Topic:  Jesus Raises Lazarus           Scripture:  John 11:38-44

2020 Giving Statements have been mailed to your house.  If you have any questions, please contact Becky Nyhus.

Register for Luther Park Summer Camp!  Go to to see all the awesome programs for people of all ages.  Put in code TrinB21 when you register.

Easter Lily and Tulips:  You can order flowers to be part of the Easter service using the form provided in the bulletin or that is on the church website.  Order deadline is March 21st.  Make checks payable to Trinity and put “flowers” in the memo line. Tulip-Lily-Order-Form-2021.pdf (

Maundy Thursday worship, April 1, 7 pm.

Good Friday worship, April 2, 7 pm.

Easter Sunday Worship  7:30 am & 9 am.  7:30 am worship is inside and requires a reservation.  9 am will be in the parking lot.  Both worship services will be live streamed on Facebook.  To make your reservation for the service, please go to:

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


  “Hoping against hope . . .” Romans 4:18a

  This phrase from Romans is in the context of talking about Abraham and his faith, of trusting in the Lord that he would be the “father of many nations” despite his advanced age, and of how his faith, of not just hoping but like hoping in a supersized sense, hoping against all sense, all knowledge, all expectation, in trusting that God would come through with God’s promises.  Which, of course, God did.

 I’m feeling this phrase today.  I hope against hope every day in the grace of God which saves me and will bring me to eternal life through the death and resurrection of Jesus.  I’m hoping against hope as the snow starts to melt and the temperatures warm for time on the golf course, walks with Amy without four layers on, and time spent in the backyard with the dog on a warm sunny day.  I’m hoping against hope as more and more people get vaccinated of when we can return to normal activities and see people’s faces again instead of masks.  I’m hoping against hope that we might spend more time listening to each other than attacking each other.  I’m hoping against hope that Cubs will finish with a winning record this spring and that the Bears will finally get a real quarterback.  I’m hoping against hope that those who are suffering find peace and comfort.

   We can have a supersized hope because we have a faithful and loving Savior who gives us that hope.  We can have faith because we have been given that faith by a merciful and gracious God who is with us.  We need this hope every single day.  Don’t be afraid of hope.  Embrace it.  Drink thirstily from it.  You can be hoping against hope because of the faith given you in Jesus Christ.  Hang onto that hope. Today and every day.