May 17, 2020
Dear Trinity Members,
First off, we want to say thank you for your support of Trinity over these past two months. We thank you for joining us for worship online, drive-thru communion, viewing and sharing videos on Facebook and YouTube, and for your generous financial support. We are so grateful for your faith, support, and prayers and we are keeping each and every one of you in prayer as well.
Second, you may have questions regarding when we might worship inside the sanctuary again after the Wisconsin Supreme Court ended the Stay-At-Home order. At this time, Trinity activities will continue to remain cancelled and we will not be holding any in person worship services inside the building. We are following guidelines set out by the Dunn County Department of Health and following strategies put forth by the ELCA, the Wisconsin Council of Churches, and the CDC. All of these strategies first and foremost are about keeping everyone as safe as possible, especially the most vulnerable amongst us. We will continue to worship online on Sunday mornings at 9 am and Wednesday night at 7 pm and we will have parking lot worship services on June 7 & June 21st. We will continue to monitor everything closely and are taking steps so that when we can come together in the church building, we do so safely and appropriately.
Until that time comes, continue to keep each other in prayer and hold each other in love, as you are held in love and prayer by all of us. We are church together, no matter the circumstances, and Jesus Christ is walking with us giving us the hope and strength we need. May God bless all of you and stay safe and well.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Brad and the Trinity Lutheran Church Council