
Posted on: January 28th, 2014 by Brad Peterson

One of the cool things about Trinity is that people come up with some interesting ideas.  I think most people feel like I come up with the ideas, but frankly, most of the time, I “borrow” them from others or they are brought to me by church members.

Recently, we have had a couple of members bring some great ideas to the forefront.  The first, Jan Theberge, approached me about Trinity hosting our own Empty Bowls event.  Empty Bowls is an international grassroots effort to fight hunger and was created by The Imagine Render Group. The basic premise is simple: Potters and other craftspeople, educators and others work with the community to create handcrafted bowls. Guests are invited to a simple meal of soup and bread. In exchange for a cash donation, guests are asked to keep a bowl as a reminder of all the empty bowls in the world. The money raised is donated to an organization working to end hunger and food insecurity.

Empty Bowls events have been going on in Menomonie for many years, but I thought Jan’s idea of doing it was great.  It will tie in nicely with our Lent theme and it is also a great way for our Mission Trip youth to be involved in a mission here at home.  They will be hosting the soup event and helping with the bowls.

Another member, Steve Bird, gave me a call asking about the church hosting a time when some of our seniors here at Trinity and in the Boyceville area might get together in fellowship and to play some cards.  I think it is a great idea.  We have a large space and easily accessible space where people can gather together.  It is often hard for our seniors to get together in fellowship and this is a great way to give them a chance to do that.  It looks like this group will meet on Thursdays and look for more information to come in the future.

These are just two examples of the ways in which you, members of Trinity, help to shape our ministry.  I appreciate your input on anything and everything that is going on and all the crazy ideas in your head.  I hope we are always a place where new things can be tried and where you can feel free to bring you suggestions and ideas forward.


Who picks the hymns?

For many years, I picked all the hymns on my own.  But for the past two  years, our worship committee has picked the hymns with me.  I usually pick the hymn of the day while the committee picks the rest.  It is a very enjoyable process and the committee takes their responsibility seriously.  Many of them take hymnals home with them for research prior to our picking hymns.  We usually pick hymns two to three months at a time.  Thank you, worship committee, for your hard work in picking hymns!