Trinity Tidings March 28, 2021

Posted on: March 28th, 2021 by Brad Peterson


Maundy Thursday worship, April 1, 7 pm. In person and online.

Good Friday worship, April 2, 7 pm. In person and online.

Easter Sunday Worship  7:30 am & 9 am.  7:30 am worship is inside and requires a reservation.  9 am will be in the parking lot.  Both worship services will be live streamed on Facebook.  To make your reservation for the service, please go to: CURRENTLY FULL

Register for Luther Park Summer Camp!  Go to to see all the awesome programs for people of all ages.  Put in code TrinB21 when you register.

Butter Braid Sale: Help our youth go to Luther Park this summer!  Click on the link and then on a seller and order your Butter Braids!  Delivery is April 28th.

Trinity Activities Returning: Quilting April 6th, Card Club April 8th, Bible Study April 12th. Masks are still required to be worn for these activities.

Mission Trip Youth Looking for Items!  We are holding an online Silent Auction to help our Mission Trip Youth go to South Dakota this summer.  Looking for all sorts of items for the auction.  Drop them off at the church by April 18th.

Clean Out Your Closest for the Women of Trinity! We are collecting gently used household items, clothes, textiles, bath linens on every Saturday in April from 9 am to Noon.  The more we collect, the more money we raise!  Please put clothes and textiles in bags and everything else in boxes.  Questions?  Contact Peggy Schutz

Don’t forget that you can support Trinity through the GivePlus app OR using the donate form on our website.  Download the free app, search for Trinity Lutheran Boyceville, and go from there! 


 Last week during worship I mentioned my hatred of the Easter Bunny.  For some of you, this is nothing new.  But for others, this might have come as a shock.  So let me take a few moments to explain my take that the Easter Bunny is an abomination. 

   Now, first off, if you love the Easter Bunny, if it brings you joy, if you think it is cute and cuddly and harmless, then God bless you.  We can still be friends and yet disagree.  But to me, I have always disliked the Easter Bunny and that dislike has only grown over the years.  In the list of things I dislike the most in life, it would be something like this: 1. Peas.  2. Aaron Rodgers.  3. The Easter Bunny 4. Ryan Braun 5. Chicago White Sox fans as a general rule 6. The bacon tray being empty in a breakfast buffet.  7. The lack of connection between Padme & Anakin in Attack of the Clones.  8. Lima Beans. 9. Country Music.  10. Did I mention Ryan Braun? Of all these choices, I fully understand that my dislike of the Easter Bunny could be the most irrational. 

   There are many things I love about the secular (ie, outside of Jesus) trappings of Easter.  The candy.  Easter eggs.  Naps. Easter baskets.  But I have never liked the Easter Bunny, even as a kid.  First, what sense does it make to have a bunny that delivers eggs?  Makes no sense.  Easter chicken?  Sure.  Easter platypus?  Super awesome.  Easter Bunny?  Dumb.  Love Easter Baskets but why is it delivered by a bunny?  Never made sense to me.

   Plus, have you looked at Easter Bunnies?  Have you seen the costumes?  Heck, I’ve worn one of the costumes.  Creepy.  Like killer clown creepy.  The only thing scarier than seeing someone in an Easter Bunny costume is watching the Bears quarterbacks trying to play football.  It is scary.  Nightmarish.  Why should something that creepy be so front and center at Easter? 

  Also, I’m not a big fan of rabbits in general.  Delicious to eat, sure.  But also a scourge on many a garden and flower bed.  They have weird eyes that just creep me out. Whenever I see one on a walk I think it might attack me in some way.  They cannot be trusted.

  Finally, the Easter Bunny really has nothing to do with the resurrection of Jesus in any logical way.  You can make a case for Easter eggs and they can be an interesting symbol.  But the Easter Bunny?  Nope.  Don’t even bring your Santa arguments at me.  After all, Santa is based on the Christian saint St. Nicholas and in many homes at Christmas there is a Nativity scene right next to Santa.  I don’t see a lot of empty tomb scenes in people’s homes next to the Easter Bunny. 

  If the Easter Bunny brings you joy, may God bless you.  As for me, I will continue to pray that we can find an adequate replacement.  Like the platypus.  Easter Platypus.  Has a nice ring to it!

   Have a blessed Easter everyone and may you know the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in your life every day.    


